Attract A Dragon

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SpellsBeauty  ► Dragon  ► Attract A Dragon
This spell will help to attract a dragon. Most likely a Earth dragon, but I'm not entirely sure.

Casting Instructions for 'Attract A Dragon'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A wand
  • If you wish to contact a fire elemental then use a candle
  • If a wind elemental then something that smells sweet
  • To get a Earth dragon you need a stick or a hand of mud
  • For water have a glass of water or it's best to be around a waterfall or lake or if it just rained
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A wand
  • If you wish to contact a fire elemental then use a candle
  • If a wind elemental then something that smells sweet
  • To get a Earth dragon you need a stick or a hand of mud
  • For water have a glass of water or it's best to be around a waterfall or lake or if it just rained

You have to be alone or it will not work. You must be in the woods. Or around a munch of trees.
Wave your wand around in your left have and in the other hand have the candle, mud or whatever it is you need to connect with the Dragon.

Chant this five times without messing up. If you mess up then just restart.

"Dragon, dragon, come to me,
Let me be your friend,
A friend I will be for you, and you a friend for me,
So dragon, dragon, please come to me!"


Added to on Mar 15, 2014
Last edited on May 24, 2022
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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I achieved a similar result through meditation and extreme focus on soul reflection. With my eyes closed my eyes gained a ring of color similar to my dragon guardian's, it seemed like a contact lense passed over my eyes. He even allowed me to grant him a name.

Jan 30, 2019
It took me several hours of meditation and focus

You don't need to go anywhere to call on Dragon energy. You can meditate in your room and connect with it. They are astral beings so they will come to you in an astral form, not a physical one, so you don't have to worry about a Dragon fitting in your room. If you are claiming you can get a physical Dragon that won't happen.

Oct 07, 2021
ok one question how to do post a spell on the site?

Oct 07, 2021
You need to be a council member of a coven to post. Once you are, be sure the spell works, with no spelling/grammar errors since spells can't be removed from the site [they can be edited, but it takes time]

Dragons are astral beings, you connect with them through meditation. While I doubt this chant is real, chanting to dragons while you enter a trance state, astral project, or meditate, can help you contact them. There is no need to go to a particular spot to do this unless you prefer to preform Magik in a specific location.

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