Dragon Egg

SpellsBeauty  ► Dragon  ► Dragon Egg
Gives you an egg of dragon!

Casting Instructions for 'Dragon Egg'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 6 Blue Candles
  • 7 White Candles
  • 3 (element) Candles
  • Voice and Belief
  • Power and Visualizing
  • Paper, pen, and colored pencils
  • 3 Nights
  • Alone-time
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 6 Blue Candles
  • 7 White Candles
  • 3 (element) Candles
  • Voice and Belief
  • Power and Visualizing
  • Paper, pen, and colored pencils
  • 3 Nights
  • Alone-time

Sit cross-legged and search your elements
Put the blue candles first in front of you
Say this :

Dragons of dragons, hear me! Let me have your dragon egg, I will never make harm for it! I will take care of it every day! So mote it be!"

Without blowing out those candles,   light up the white candles behind you and say :

"Dragons of dragons, hear me! Let me have your dragon egg! I will make promise to you that I will take care of it! If I'm not taking care of it, take the dragon and punish me! So mote it be!"

Hold the element candles in your hands, and say

"Dragons of dragons, hear me! Let me please have of it, I'm really wanting to take care of it! Please for it's my will, so mote it be!"

Now blow the candles but don't move them. Draw the egg you want in your paper, make its characteristics!
Now draw the dragon you want if its already adult, draw its characteristics!  Color them all and make sure its related to your element

 Chant the last sayings every night for 3-7 nights!  Don't forget for one day or it will not works

Put the paper below your pillow everyday and hide the candles!

*** Side Effects ***

  •   Dreaming : This effects started after you chanted once
  •  Communicating : This effects started after you chanted thrice
  •  Hallucinations : This effects started 7 days after chanted once
  •   Feeling : This effects started 7 days after chanted once
  •  Hearing : This effects started 10 days after chanted once
  •   Roaring : This effects started 15 days after chanted once
  •  Egg : This reality started 30 days after chanted once

Types of Eggs"

  • Water : Often fell in water and waterfall, please check waters in your house.
  • Earth : Often fell in dirt or grounds
  • Fire : Hiding everywhere
  • Wind : Often in the rushing winds area
  • Forest : In any plantings

*** Warnings ***

  •  Don't forget to chant 3 days fully!
  • Don't take the paper or candles before getting the egg!



Added to on Jul 18, 2014
Last edited on May 24, 2022
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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You cannot receive a dragons egg with Real Magik, especially a physical one. This does not and will not work.

Don’t say anything that you have not tried yet

Jul 01, 2023
Trying has nothing to do with it. The results of This spell would be physically impossible. Dragons are astral creatures, not physical. Therefore you cannot use real magic to receive a physical dragon egg. Could you receive an astral dragon egg that you could interact with on the astral plane? Maybe, but that's probably stretching things a bit. Could a dragon leave an egg behind that you could perceive with your nonphysical senses? Again possibly, but it's still probably stretching things. You can try this if you want, but prepare for disappointment and energy that has nowhere to go.

Jul 02, 2023
Once you learn how magick works, you don't have to try every single spell to know if it works or not. You understand it won't work, so you don't waste your time. Dragons are astral being you can work with in your craft [I work with Dragons, so I can tell when most spells won't work] This spell claims you light some candles, say some words, draw a picture then a [presumably] physical Dragon hatches and you get a Dragon friend. No, that's not how magick works and it's not how Dragon magick works either. Magick on the physical is an energy found in nature. I'ts ruled by nature and can't contradict nature. This ''spell'' contradicts nature, therefore we can deduce this does not work. If you don't believe us, you're free to try it yourself, but what the above commenters are trying to do is save you time, energy and items.

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