Get Blessed by the Dragons

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SpellsBeauty  ► Dragon  ► Get Blessed by the Dragons
I made this spell for I thought the Dragons are what could be the perfect medium for getting enough empowerment, try this spell friends and get the change like I did.

Casting Instructions for 'Get Blessed by the Dragons'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Bath Tub with hot water
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Bath Tub with hot water

So let the tub be filled with hot water. Say this spell by pointing your hands towards the water:

"Oh the Dragons above all,
With all my mind I call to you.
Let this water be your sweat,
Holding powers and secrets.

Let it bless me with strongest protection,
Let it bless me with  the strongest aura,
Let it bless me with supernatural strength,

With it bathed my body,
Blessed will be I with these abilities
With this blessings,
Rise high I,
Like the dragons higher than high

Grant this only to my use,
Else for any others it would be of no use.
This is my will so more it be."

So, now just have a bath in!


Added to on Nov 19, 2014
Last edited on Jul 24, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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I would edit this slightly, like add herbs and crystals sacred to Dragons, or for specific things like protection or strength. I would get into the tub and say the chant and perhaps meditate for a bit [i would also use candles or have no lights on] but I wouldn't take an actual bath. It's like a baptism, they're pouring holy water on you, not washing your hair, so show a little respect for the Dragons you are calling on.

Would a shower work instead

May 01, 2021
If it was done mindfully and with purpose, I imagine it would be just as valid to shower. You would just need to adapt your visualizations around the idea of being bathed in moving water. Maybe focus on the idea of the power of the dragons infusing the water and washing away negativity and weakness to let it literally run down the drain.

Be careful the water is not too hot. This sounds plausible, but if this is the first thing you do with dragons, I would edit it. It comes off as you want to be given a bunch of abilities with nothing in return. Spiritual beings can bless us, but only after we build a relationship with them and it would be a gift from them, not a reward for you.

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