To Recieve Your Dream Pet

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SpellsBeauty  ► Dragon  ► To Recieve Your Dream Pet
This spell will help you get your dream pet!

Casting Instructions for 'To Recieve Your Dream Pet'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Small container
  • Piece of paper
  • Water
  • Pencil
  • Coloring tools (optional)
  • An idea of what your dream pet is or looks like
  • Something that represents the animal you want
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Small container
  • Piece of paper
  • Water
  • Pencil
  • Coloring tools (optional)
  • An idea of what your dream pet is or looks like
  • Something that represents the animal you want

Take the piece of paper and draw a picture of your dream pet on it. Avoid "special orders", e.g: "Husky-dragon hybrid with rainbow angel wings and a unicorn horn"

On the other hand, drawing a dragon is fine. Color the picture if you want, but know that your dream pets color isn't really up to you, it's up to nature. Fold the paper so you can't see the drawing and write your pets basic information such as height, weight, species, breed, personality, and gender. Fold the paper again so you can't see what you just wrote.

Then, write the dream pets special abilities. Shy away from such things as a giraffe with ice breath, but a cat that won't make you allergic is okay. Flip to the side of the folded paper you haven't written on, and write the following while saying it out loud, "This is my dream, to have this pet, so use the magic of fairies and nature to create this tame, loving animal for me, this is my dream, so create my dream pet for me, so mote it be."

Then, fill up the container with water and add in something that represents your animal, like a match for a dragon, milk for a kitten, or bamboo sprouts for a panda. Lastly, put the piece of paper spell side up in the water and watch it begin to dissolve. Once it is so dissolved you can't make out the words on the paper, say the spell again.

After that, put the potion somewhere you think your dream pet would like to play. Leave it there until the paper is so dissolved you can barely see it. Then pour the liquid into a flowerbed or garden. From one hour to a few months later you will find your dream et in the same garden you poured the potion into. If your pet hatches out of an egg, check the place you let the paper dissolve in too.


Added to on Jul 18, 2015
Last edited on Jul 17, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Well, it may work if u are wishing for cats , dogs, parrots and other pet but it'll not work when u wish for mythical creatures.

Feb 24, 2020
Thanks, I was thinking that if I asked for a phoenix then...

do you think it might work for a panda? my sister really wants one.

Apr 25, 2020
I wish [I would have gotten one of every animal by now if it did] Magick doesn't create something out of nothing, so that panda has to come from somewhere. [You also need to consider the logistics of owning a panda] If this works, it would probably be one of the World Wildlife Foundation ''adopt an animal'' things where you pay to protect an animal in the wild and receive a certificate and a stuffed animal of said animal. Magickally, that's the more likely way it will work. If you're hoping to cast this and a panda suddenly appears the next day on your doorstep, there's 99% chance it won't, and a 100% likelihood you'll be returning the panda. Magick usually goes with the easiest, natural, and logical methods. If you wish for a thousand dollars, you'll more likely get extra hours at work than winning the lottery. Cast it to see how it goes, but realistically, you can't get a real-life panda with a spell.

Does this work?

Will it work if I pour it by a tree or into the grass?

You said it was ok 2 do a dragon even saying to do a match, then you crush people's dream pet by saying mythical creatures are not allowed!?

Jun 13, 2020
That's because the person who wrote this was incorrect about that and so people in the comments corrected them. If it was possible to create physical dragons with magick you'd see more dragons around.

Jun 14, 2020
Horsenettle is correct. Dragon's are astral creatures, not physical ones. Also, you can't create a real Dragon because there's more to creating life than belief. What you can do is either work with Dragons as equals [they won't be your pet] or you pool your energy into a thoughtform or servitor. As long as you give it energy and/or provide it with a task, it will exist. Once the energy/task is gone, it will turn back into energy and vanish.

If you ask for a mythical creature, you won't be able to physically perceive it. And if you ask for a dragon, there is a chance you won't get one. Not necessarily because the spell didn't work. It could be because the dragons don't want/need a human as of that time.

This walks a very fine line. First off, if you do not work with fairys, do not call on them. Even if you do work with The Fae, I would not bother them with this. This could work as a manifestation, but as the writer suggested, be realistic. This would include exotic animals. You should also imagine how you would interact with the animal. Include difficult times like obedience training because this animal you are manifesting will be your companion for their entire life, so you should prepare yourself for everything that might come.

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