Call a Dragon

SpellsBeauty  ► Dragon  ► Call a Dragon
Always wanted a dragon? Well then, keep reading.

Casting Instructions for 'Call a Dragon'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 2 different colored candles
  • White, green and black crystals
  • Pentagram (a dragon signal)
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 2 different colored candles
  • White, green and black crystals
  • Pentagram (a dragon signal)

Light your 2 candles and listen for a few seconds, then you hold your pentagram and your crystals and call out "Mon-Tey!" You might see your dragon coming or feel its presence, maybe even see flashes of color or heat.

When you get your dragon, you will never know its real name, it will give you a name to call it, and if not, come up with something. If you ever find out its real name, it will leave.


Added to on Aug 02, 2015
Last edited on May 24, 2022
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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This won't work. You can connect with Dragons, but this isn't how. Also, the only reason a Dragon wouldn't tell you it's actual name is because you couldn't pronounce it, not because knowing it would send the Dragon away. Dragons come and go as they please, they're Dragons.

Jun 20, 2019
True. A dragon wouldn't tell me its actual name.

Dec 24, 2020
Nekoshema, that is where you are wrong, some people actually have their own dragon companion. I myself have one from what I've felt, not only have I felt my dragons presence, but I have seen him in visions and I've heard his name. from what I can tell, its pronounced alk. but anyway, just because you can't do some things doesn't mean it won't work alright. not everyone has a dragon companion and i guess it upsets you because you don't have one. but next time, don't say that it won't work or assume something when you don't even know all the facts alright. it would help a lot.

Dec 24, 2020
Did you even read my comment, Incore? I said you can connect with Dragons, but this spell isn't how it is done. Furthermore, Dragons don't tell you their name for two main reasons, either you haven't gained their trust, or you couldn't pronounce it. Dragon's work with us and help us, they aren't our slaves nor are they waiting for you to beckon them. As for your condescending ''I guess you don't have one'' comment, I do. I work closely with two Dragons and have interacted with several Dragons on my travels to the astral plane. It doesn't make this specific spell any less fake. This specific spell is fake. It doesn't mean Dragon's aren't real, you can't work with them, or communicate with them. This. Specific. Spell. Is. A. Fake. That was the point of my original comment.

Dec 24, 2020
well than nekoshema, I am terribly sorry than for what I said, its just you never said that they would tell you their name because they don't trust you, you only said you they wouldn't tell you because you can't pronounce it. I am not trying to be rude, but I do ask of you too give the actual reason instead of half of one alright. I am sorry if I seem rude, I am not, I am just simply trying to make it easier for others so they can know the correct reason.

Dec 25, 2020
If you don't want to seem rude, perhaps don't call me out in the spells as well as PM me that I'm wrong, weak, and don't know what I'm talking about. As for why I only mentioned the pronunciation and not trust, it's been over a year, but I just forgot to mention both. I usually tell people the trust thing, but this post probably occurred around the time I discovered the pronunciation issue, and simply forgot to mention both possiblities.

Feb 01, 2021
Thank you. A lot of people don't seem to understand that. Also, the dragon you summon will be the one that chose you, not the other way around. You should be flattered if a dragon actually likes you.

Apr 09, 2022
@HelpDayday this isn't a site for kids, it's a site for actual Pagans to discuss witchcraft. I've worked with Dragons since I was 18, so I was correcting misinformation on this site. Also, belief and fact are two different things. You might believe the earth is flat, but the fact is it's not. You can call on an atrial Dragon in a ritual, but this is not how you do it. That's what I was saying.

Apr 09, 2022
AmberDragon, the point of this site is to share knowledge and experience. Sometimes that means informing people something is ineffective, unhelpful, or just plain incorrect. Allowing false, misleading information to go unchecked for favorof ego does no-one any good.

Ego is the enemy of knowledge, for knowledge can only change when one realizes they are in error.

This is fake.

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