How to summon a spirit dragon

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SpellsBeauty  ► Dragon  ► How to summon a spirit dragon
This spell will summon an elemental dragon that will come when you call it and help strengthen your spirit.

Casting Instructions for 'How to summon a spirit dragon'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Voice
  • 12AM or 12PM
  • drawing of these five elements in a Wiccan star: a flame(fire dragon) water drop(water dragon) leaf(earth dragon) snowflake(ice dragon) a cloud(air dragon)
  • Belief
  • Your blood
  • Pencil
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Voice
  • 12AM or 12PM
  • drawing of these five elements in a Wiccan star: a flame(fire dragon) water drop(water dragon) leaf(earth dragon) snowflake(ice dragon) a cloud(air dragon)
  • Belief
  • Your blood
  • Pencil
Step 1: first, you must know which dragon you want. You can only do this spell once!!! And you can't send your dragon back once you get it. After this, you're bonded for life. I suggest a dragon matching your personality. Fire dragons are good with brave people that are headstrong and determined. Ice dragons are for people who are generally calm and quiet. Earth dragons are for the activists out there, someone with a big, caring heart. The water dragon is for the energetic popular type people, those who are generally people who love their hobbies. Air dragons are for the light, airy, friendly people.
Step 2: sit cross legged in one of these five places: a place close to a heat source, like next to a fireplace or radiator(fire), a wet place, like a bathtub or shallow pool,(water), somewhere cold, like a basement, or if it's snowing outside,(ice) outdoors(earth) and a high place, like a tree or a treehouse(air)
Step 3: draw each of the five elements on a point of the Wiccan star(order doesn't matter), then draw the element you want in the center.
step 4: WARNING!!!! AFTER THIS STEP, YOU CANT GO BACK!!! MAKE SURE THIS IS THE ELEMENT YOU WANT!!! Using a drop of your blood, place it in the center of the center elemental drawing.
Step 5: say this 3 times:
Earth, fire, water, ice, and air
Awaken a dragon from its lair
Bring it both far and wide
To rest at my spirit's side
I seal our bond through life and death
We do not part until my last breath
In spirit, we join as one
Our elemental bond has just begun
Step 6: fold the paper in half twice and draw another Wiccan star, then place a drop of your blood in the center and on the 5 points.
Step 7: get rid of the paper with the element you chose: burn the paper(fire), bury the paper(earth), throw your paper into natural water[a river, stream, ocean, etc.](water), freeze the paper(ice), throw the paper into the wind(air)
Step 8: the dragon will come within a week. It will come to you the first time in a dream. To call your dragon, just imagine it appearing beside you. You are the only one that can see your dragon, unless someone else also has a spiritual dragon.


Added to on May 08, 2016
Last edited on May 01, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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I don't recommend just summoning a dragon. I would ask for permission first,like astral travel to one and ask if I am allowed to summon them.

This does not work. You are not assigned your own dragon. If you work with dragons, you may have a dragon companion similar to if you work with spirits, but it is not guaranteed. Your personality will also not determine your dragon. You can connect with dragons through meditation, rituals and astral projections. You do not need to place your blood on an element and draw a pentagram. And side note, but a pet peeve, it is not a ''Wiccan star'' it is a pentagram or pentacle depending on if there is a circle around it. It is a protection symbol used for centuries by a plethora of faiths including early Christians.

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