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SpellsBeauty  ► Dragon  ► Dragon
So you can have a dragon!

Casting Instructions for 'Dragon'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Red candle (optional)
  • A claw of some kind of fierce animal
  • Light source
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Red candle (optional)
  • A claw of some kind of fierce animal
  • Light source

First, light the candle if you have one. The claw is to show how fierce a dragon is. Hold the claw near the light source. The light shows how good a dragon can be, or how bright and beautiful the dragons flames are, if it's a fire dragon.

Now focus on the dragon you desire, every scale, every inch of its blood cells.
Think about the dragons personality, if the dragon can talk to other humans, if the dragon is feared. Think if it's a luck dragon or if it has 4 limbs or more.

Chant while imagining, and holding the claw near a light source:
"Dragon of scales,
Dragon of power,
This dragon will fight for me until its final hour.
Dragon with grin,
Dragon with frown,
Dragon who brings me that golden crown.
Dragon who loves,
Dragon who hates,
Dragon with thick (color of the dragons scales) armoured plates.
Dragon is free
Dragon is mine,
Dragon who stays with me.
So more it be"


Added to on Nov 06, 2016
Last edited on Apr 27, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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You cannot have pet a dragon with Real Magik. You cannot create your own dragon with Real Magik. You can work with astral dragons, but they do not belong to you. This is not how you call on dragons if you wish to work with them. This is fake.

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