Dragon Eye

SpellsBeauty  ► Dragon  ► Dragon Eye
This spell insures protection, empowerment, confidence, increase in spirituality, and healing.

Casting Instructions for 'Dragon Eye'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • I-3 drops of your blood from your finger
  • Item you choose to charm, pendant, stone etc
  • Matches
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • I-3 drops of your blood from your finger
  • Item you choose to charm, pendant, stone etc
  • Matches

Prick your finger on a pin or needle and drop your blood on the item. When doing so chant this- "Hoc sanguinem meum corripiam dracones exi mentis meae. In igne furoris eius inmensa mortem veniet ex hac mea. Custodi me, et vide, quoniam dignus sum ut fiat!" (With this blood, i do bind, dragons come out of my mind. Fiery anger, burning death, this will come out of my breath. Protect me, and you will see, that i am worthy so mote it be!)

When the sun peeks over the horizon and that huge flash of light bursts free, light the match. (you can stop chanting after you drop your blood) and put the match up to the blood on your item. Wait until it boils to nothing. Do this step slow, you can't have your blood just burn up, watch it start to bubble and go into your charm, this step is vital!

When your blood is gone, snuff out the match with the finger you cut, you can lick it so it doesn't burn as much. The dragon spirits are now with you.


Added to on Jan 14, 2017
Last edited on Jul 15, 2020
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Unless you work with dragons, I do not see this working. Even if you do, this spell promises too much. Spells need to be specific. Claiming a spell can protect, empower, gain confidence, heal, and grow spiritually all in one is not possible. The Magik would be muddy and unclear. Focus on one thing at a time. Any spell that makes such bold claims is fake.

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