Create Your Own Dragon

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SpellsBeauty  ► Dragon  ► Create Your Own Dragon
This spell will create a dragon egg that will hatch into the dragon of your choice and stay with you, protect you and never betray you. The magic that it knows has to be taught to it, meaning that it will only have it's claws and teeth when it hatches. It will hopefully be on the physical plane.

Casting Instructions for 'Create Your Own Dragon'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A voice
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A voice
Go into a room. Make sure that you are alone. Sit/lay down and make yourself comfortable. Close your eyes, relax and think about your dragon. Visualize what it looks like. The scales/fur, the wings, eyes, tail and anything else. Visualize it with whatever accessories it will have. Your dragon has to be the only thing occupying your thoughts right now. Clear your mind of anything other than your dragon, especially the thoughts that might distract you from what you're doing. Still thinking about your dragon, recite this one time:
''God/Goddess of (your dragon's element),
Hear my plea.
Send me a dragon,
So beautiful and free.
Let it stay by my side,
As gentle as can be.
God/Goddess of (your dragon's element),
Hear my plea.

God/Goddess of (your dragon's element),
Answer my call.
Send me a dragon,
The most majestic of all.
In exactly 3 days,
I shall recieve my dragon.
God/Goddess of (your dragon's element),
So mote it be!''

Just as the words say, you will recieve your egg in exactly three days. Every night until you get your dragon, chant this before you go to bed:
''God/Goddess of (your dragon's element),
Answer my call.
Send me a dragon,
The most majestic of all.
In exactly (how many days are left until the third day) day(s),
I shall recieve my dragon.
God/Goddess of (your dragon's element),
So mote it be!''

This spell has yet to be tested, so I can not guarantee that it will work. I will try it out as soon as possible abd update this page when I do. If anyone tests this before I do, please message me and tell me if it worked or not.


Added to on Dec 05, 2017
Last edited on May 14, 2022
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Im testing the spell now

Mar 05, 2019
Dragons are spiritual beings, they aren't physical, you won't be able to materialise a physical dragon egg that will hatch for you. This isn't how magick works.

Mar 06, 2019
Yes I know but who knows if it works it works

Jul 06, 2019
Plenty of people. Ask anyone who actually works with dragons or has any experience in Magic. You cannot create a dragon just as you cannot create a fairy, spirit, or human.

Aug 11, 2019
Well I had a different experience And it was most definitely not a thoughtform

Jul 21, 2020
@Silverwing21 they are astral beings and they aren't physical but you can have a close relation ship with one

This does not work. Dragons are astral beings, you cannot create them. At best you will pool your energy into a thoughtform but this won't be a Dragon.

Aug 11, 2019
How many year's have you gotten with the arts?

Aug 11, 2019
Quality over quantity, the years don't much matter, your effort does. To answer your question I've been a practicing witch for 15 years and worked with Dragons for 12. You cannot create a creature through will, they are real astral beings and do not appreciate suck disrespect as claiming you can create and control them at will. Thoughtforms can have a life of their own but once you stop giving them energy they will slowly disappear because they aren't real and cannot produce their own energy. Dragons exist whether you believe in them or not.

Oct 31, 2019
what if you were to manipulate the energys of the intimate with your will and a willing dragon to connect with would there be a way to birth a spirt dragon in your heart the same way the child of the child(son of man ) is born in the Arcanum A.Z.F

May 09, 2020
I've never heard of such things so I can't say 100% yes or no, but from my experience, you can gain a close connection with a Dragon, but you won't become one or create a spiritual child with one. If you wish to try, fine, but I don't believe it's possible. If you're hoping to have a Dragon to control, that won't happen [they'll sense your intention] You can work closely with Dragons and you can become close companions. Dragon Guardians also exist [they're younger Dragons who watch over your house] Just remember they're astral, and you're physical, so don't expect having a pet Dragon you can physically interact with.

Aug 31, 2020
They are magical if they are a affiliated with a single element.

Aug 31, 2020
please explain, I don't understand what you mean. Dragon's are astral beings who can give energy to spells, but they aren't made of magick or elements [yes, some are aligned with a specific element, but they aren't made of the element]

I will give this to my freind ONLY because she really wants a dragon so I gave in.

Perhaps a servitor can be created, though I doubt the gods would add their own powers and energy to the spell for your creation. I'm pretty sure you're on your own here.

May 02, 2021
And it wouldn't be a dragon. Just a thought-form in the shape of a dragon.

You cannot create your own dragon. Research thoughtforms and/or dragon magick.

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