Omnishifter Transformation

SpellsBeauty  ► Dragon  ► Omnishifter Transformation
Have you ever wanted to become a shifter, but, cannot choose what type to become? With this spell you can Become a shifter that may shift back an forth between any type of living being, Mythical or Otherwise. This spell gives the caster an omnifarious form with the nature of whatever they shift into at the moment!

Casting Instructions for 'Omnishifter Transformation'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Clear Mind
  • Focus
  • Intention
  • Beleif
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Clear Mind
  • Focus
  • Intention
  • Beleif
Say spell below 3, 6, 7, or 9 times depending upon personal preference

Mikhielon, please pass this prayer on to the clear, please transform me into the Omnevitae, please do this in accordance with inputs 47 and 23, this is my wish so mote it be.

Spells effects are immediate, however, it may take up to a month to take full effect!

Side Effects
- Momentary disorientation, headache, body pains, intense energy surge


Added to on Jan 31, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Physical shifting is impossible. One could look into shifting on the astral plane if interested, however.

Mar 14, 2019
Please do your research before commenting, you clearly don’t know what your talking about

Mar 14, 2019
Take your own advice Nonstop, Rhododendron is correct, physical transformation doesn't exist.

Mar 15, 2019
You are driving me abaslutly nuts you people spreading miss information.

is this real

Mar 14, 2019
No, you cannot physically transform, any side effects you may feel is the result of the placebo effect [convincing your mind it's real] look into astral protection, people claim to be able to transform their astral forms into whatever they wish.

You cannot physically transform.

Mar 30, 2020
it is your opinion. you may be able to transform, you may not. what difference does it make? the comment section is like a war, everyone accusing someone else that they don't know what the other is talking about, but they clearly do, otherwise they wouldn't be saying anything. I don see why there has to be so much argument over this, its not necessary. Cant we all accept the other's opinion?

Mar 30, 2020
Peoples egos prevent them from accepting being told things that contradict their biases. Saying you cannot physically transform is not my opinion, it is a fact. It is the equivalent of say my acceptance of gravity is nothing more than my opinion and not a fact. Yes, the comment section in certain spells is a war zone, but it is because people are taking the comments as personal attacks. You cannot physically transform. If you believe it is possible, nobody who is telling you it is not physically possible will demand you conform, get mad at you for believing something different, or cal you names. We are trying to help by explaining what is and is not possible. If you feel it is still possible, and decide to try a spell or two yourself, by all means, try it. As long as the spell does not encourage putting yourself in harms way, nobody is going to fight you. What everyone needs to understand is, it is not about you, do not take things so personally. It is stating facts, it is not personal attacks. Keep studying and be willing to release things which do not serve you. That goes for me as much as you and anyone else who may read this. As we grow, we learn and change. Embrace change instead of stubbornly clinging to your old ways.

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