Energy Combat: Introduction

SpellsBeauty  ► Dragon  ► Energy Combat: Introduction
This is not a spell, but this is the first part of the new series of articles I am gonna be writing for everyone. In this series we are gonna discuss the topic Energy Combat.

Casting Instructions for 'Energy Combat: Introduction'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • None.
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • None.

Energy Combat:

Energy Combat is the ancient art where people use the energy around them to be more agile as well as stronger.

This art can be used with and without weapons.

In this series I am going to explain how this works and I will elaborate further on this subject.


My experience with Energy Combat:

I have been practicing energy combat with a sword and also without any weapons. My master (Sensei) and I have also been making a unofficial combat style where you infuse your body with kinetic energy (the energy that is made by moving around) to make acrobatic jumps and other almost flying like moves and we have called it the Flowing Wind Style.


That's it for today, I hope you all enjoy my articles and spells and if you have any requests then feel free to mail them to me. I wish you a great day and blessed be!


Added to on Apr 07, 2020
Last edited on Jul 05, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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You do not use Magical energy to make you fight better. This is real life, not Naruto.

Apr 14, 2020
I never said it was magical energy....I said it was Kinetic energy

Apr 14, 2020
And also.....would you mind being a bit more respectfull to people....I mean I try to do my work the best I can, but you critisize it like it is some 5 minute crap

Apr 14, 2020
Oh, kinetic energy, it definitely does not work in that case. My point still stands, you cannot use energy to fight like in Naruto, or Dragon Ball, or any show that uses someones energy to fight. As for your ''show some respect'' comment, I am just stating facts, and respect is not a universal thing. The level of respect I give is earned. I do my best to be civil in my responses, but as for my stand alone statements, they are just that; statements. Emotionless stating of facts.

Jun 17, 2020
The energy used isnt to make tv a reality humans are not meant to hold tge ability of flight without something to help aid it the energy used is to simple give a boost to some of our natural abilities for example they use the energy gained to provied more momentum to their bodies current speed to attempt to a long air time durations without intent of trying to fly or something in the non reality based shows

Infusing kinetic energy through motion is another way of saying momentum. And I can see some of the logic behind the idea of setting the entire body into elaborate motion to attempt to increase acceleration and force. There are already martial arts styles that have similar philosophies like Tai chi(to a certain extent), Capoeira, and taekwondo. Not so mystical, but effective in trained hands. While true that the forms of energy aren't magical, the terms are overlapping. (Energy, grounding, your root, flow, etc). I can sed how one might mistake one use/interpretation for another. That said, there is a lot about energy working that can be learned from martial arts, and vice-versa as though the types of energy being dealt with differ, the philosophies behind them (focus, discipline, practice, movement and flow, etc) relate very well. My advice would be to keep working on your idea, and I would suggest drawing philosophies and knowledge from other established arts. Worry more about understanding the physics of the human body, and the practical philosophies behind combat. Worry less about making it into something mystical until you have the physical aspects understood. Then you will have an easier time (and stronger knowledge base) to expand into the philosophies and mind spaces of tying the art into spirit and meditation.

May 05, 2020
I very much agree with you. Martial arts can be a spiritual experience, its philosophy and wisdom can benefit ones life in many ways. Where my issue lies, and where many seem to misinterpret martial arts, is when people think if they learn a martial arts style, they can become Goku or Naruto, or some other character who uses their chi/ki to fly, shoot energy blasts, multiply and other impossibilities. You can connect with your chi/ki and you can gain enlightenment, but when people cannot separate entertainment from reality, it can get frustrating repeating yourself and people refusing to listen. The definition of insanity I guess haha.

Aug 03, 2020
Thats what I meant....In Ki, Qi, or Chi, translation energy of life, it flows through all that lives, Energy Combat is just like Tai Chi, and some aspects of Kung Fu also use it, its not like Naruto any other T.V series, I don't even know where you got that from, since it was never even mentioned in the description...

Aug 03, 2020
I just meant the energy that flows through your body, martial art masters....when they break a brick or a wooden plank they -Never- use only their muscle.....they use the energy and power in and around them and use it to enhance their speed, precision and inner power

Aug 03, 2020
They don't use magick energy to break blocks. It takes practise and skill but the wood/bricks are stacked in a way that it's weaker and if you hit its weak point, it breaks. [you still need training, so please don't go around hitting wood, but it's how they're stacked] many paths do incorporate energy into it [turning your opponents energy against them, tai chi following the flow of energy] but using energy to fight [for example Naturo since that's usually what people think of, but also if you focus your energy into your fist to make you punch harder] doesn't really work. Magick energy effects magick energy, it doesn't affect the physical in a physical way. You can't supercharge your fists to punch stronger. You could work on grounding and meditation to sense energy better and therefore sense your opponent, but any super-powered moves aren't real. This specific ''spell'' [i would call an article] sounds rather fictitious to me, so I doubt it's credibility, but if you wish to do energy work while practicing martial arts, it could help. Just don't expect to start shooting energy blasts or cloning yourself.

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