Call Companion Dragon

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SpellsBeauty  ► Dragon  ► Call Companion Dragon
This spell will call your dragon companion.

Casting Instructions for 'Call Companion Dragon'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • None
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • None

First, a formal call is not necessary to invite a dragon friend to join you in a worship rite, to ask their assistance with a spell, or just visit. All you really need to do is mentally call to them in genuine love and friendship and they will hear you and they will come.

Sometimes it is nice to have a formal call that can be used for special occasions and ceremonies. If you are having trouble hearing them the more you work magically with them the stronger your connections will be and the easier it will be to communicate with them.

Here is a special call you can use. Meditate for a moment on contacting your dragon, then say:

 "I send my call, I send my voice to the dragon who, by choice, shares with me his/her friendship true: send respect back out to you. Come, my friend, upon swift wings so that together we may sing. Come and share some time with me in trust and love, so may it be".


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Last edited on May 26, 2022
Part of the Dragon Magick Library.


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Does this really work

i hope

First sentence and I can tell this is fake. Dragons are quiet observers. If you have never approached a dragon before, you need to follow a ritual. You need to cleanse and cast circle. You need an offering and to be respectful to them. Dragons are not friendly, but they are not evil either. They keep to themselves and if a human just shows up in their space for no reason, they will retaliate. Unless you already have a bond with a dragon and work with them regularly, you need more than to think happy thoughts and say ''hey, dragon friend, lets hang out.''

Oct 02, 2022
I'm reminded of the line ''do not meddle in the affairs of Dragons, for you are crunchy and good with ketchup.'' Trust me, disrespecting a Dragon will not end well for you. Yes, you can create a strong bond with a Dragon, but if this is your first time interacting, treat them with respect. Treat them like you would meeting someone for the first time. Don't be afraid, but don't assume you're best friends either.

Oct 02, 2022
I feel that this particular method would depend on the attitude of the person doing the calling. As this is effectively worded as an open invitation, and more or less an expression of desire I fail to see any risk of insulting or angering any potential dragons. I'd say worst case would be having no result.

Some helpful thoughts; Have a purpose in mind as you reach out and extend your invitation. Be conscious of why you want to connect with a dragon and what you are looking for/looking to gain. Duplicity and uncertainty/non-commitment are things that will be the fastest in resulting with an unsuccessful endeavor. If you truly don't know why you wish to call for a dragon save some irrational pull or through admiration, it is better to hold those thoughts with Self-honesty and be worthy of respect for that.

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