Anti Nightmare Chants

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SpellsFantasy  ► Dream  ► Anti Nightmare Chants
There are two chants. One is for you and the other is for someone you love.

Casting Instructions for 'Anti Nightmare Chants'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • None
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • None
Anti Nightmare Chant for You:

Chant this:

''As I sleep,
Let me keep,
Dreams of light
Throughout the night.''

Anti Nightmare Chant for Loved Ones:

Chant this:

''Sleep well this night.
Remove all the fright.
No demons are in sight.
Keep me safe until morning light.''


Added to on Jul 23, 2017
Last edited on Dec 09, 2022
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Ok cool i like da spell

this worked for me for me last night

I tend to get nightmares a lot, so I am going to test it tonight, I will have an update tomorrow

Apr 24, 2020
Update: It kinda worked.

This spell has worked for me. Sometimes when something scared m and I knew I'd hav nightmares I chanted it and I literally slept like a log

It works

I used this spell on my little brother Jason ..who has nightmares almost every night....I hope it works

May 31, 2022
One thought would be to use the second chant as a bedtime lullaby/mini prayer. ThoughI would change it very slightly to be more specific with the protection as it switches focus to protecting the self instead of another. Perhaps like this;

Sleep well this night. Remove all fright. No demons are in sight. We are safe until morning light.

It is still good to include yourself with the protection, hence the 'we'. Otherwise you could inadvertantly draw the other person's nightmares to yourself.

If you focus your intention and repeat the chant a number of times, it might cast a protection, but I would couple it with a protection charm.

Thy spell is good, though, thee second spell, I do not know if it shalt worken upon other

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