Conjuring the archangel Azrael
This spell is to conjure the archangel of death, Azrael. This is not a death spell, this spell is to simply communicate with Azrael on a personal level. Azrael is a kind and gentle soul, despite his reputation.
Casting Instructions for 'Conjuring the archangel Azrael'
You will need the following items for this spell:
- A place to write Azrael's sigil (a large circle, two dots within the large circle, a smaller circle inside the large circle, then a smaller circle inside that circle with two dots within the smallest circle, and two opposite parentheses almost touching the outer dots to the inner dots)
- Solomon's triangle ( or ''triangle of art'')
- An floral incense as an offering
- the spell works best on a Tuesday in early morning or late night, but is not required
- Bloodstone, Black onyx or ruby x2
- Death tarot card (optional)
You will need the following items for this spell:
- A place to write Azrael's sigil (a large circle, two dots within the large circle, a smaller circle inside the large circle, then a smaller circle inside that circle with two dots within the smallest circle, and two opposite parentheses almost touching the outer dots to the inner dots)
- Solomon's triangle ( or ''triangle of art'')
- An floral incense as an offering
- the spell works best on a Tuesday in early morning or late night, but is not required
- Bloodstone, Black onyx or ruby x2
- Death tarot card (optional)
Step 2: Meditate for at least five minutes (it helps me to vibrate YHVH or IHVH)
Step 3: Draw The triangle of art as large as possible. (with the following four archangel's sigil in a circle around the triangle: Micheal, Raphael, Gabriel, and Camael.
Step 4: Draw Azrael's sigil inside the circle of the triangle of art.
Step 5: put the stone you've chosen from the possibilities above (or if you find something that works better use that)and put it inside the circle.
Step 6: put the other stone(s) in you're palms and close them tight.
Step 7: Repeat Azrael's prayer until you feel a atmospheric shift (you can change depending on you're religious beliefs)
''Azrael, I thank the Gods for making you a loving companion for dying mortals and their grieving loved ones. When my lifetime on Earth ends, please help me make the transition from Earth to the afterlife without fear. When someone I love dies, comfort me while I grieve and help me heal. With this prayer, If it be you're will, I conjure you to this circle, please. Blessed be.''
Step 8: Now it is up to you how you interact with Azrael: You may will see Azrael in your mind's eye, you may hear his calm voice, you may feel his slightly dark, yet gentle and kind energies, or you may experience all of the above.
Good luck and blessed be.
Cleansing Crystals
AustinAngel has been a member of the site for 12 years, since Aug 22, 2012
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