Lemon Curse

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SpellsHealth  ► Death  ► Lemon Curse
To curse someone who has done you wrong

Casting Instructions for 'Lemon Curse'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 1 lemon
  • 1 black candle
  • 9 nails
  • cursing oil
  • picture of the intended
  • black bowl
  • athame (or knife...something to cut a slit in the lemon)
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 1 lemon
  • 1 black candle
  • 9 nails
  • cursing oil
  • picture of the intended
  • black bowl
  • athame (or knife...something to cut a slit in the lemon)

Light the candle.
 Cut a slit in the lemon and place the picture of the person inside the lemon.
 Visualize your anger toward the person, take one nail and pierce the lemon
take the remaining nails , one by one and pierce the lemon, until all the nails are in the lemon.
 Place the lemon in the bowl and cover it half way with the cursing oil.
 Place the bowl on your altar and let the lemon rot.
 As the lemon rots, so will the luck and life of the intended.

**Note: Understand that this could cause death.**


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Last edited on May 27, 2016
Part of the Baron La Croix Library.


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How to make cursing oil ?

Dec 23, 2019
you can purchase it. the one I know is black peppercorns, red pepper flakes, ginger, thorns, rust, mustard seed, nightshade, grave dirt, cayenne in a carrier oil such as grapeseed or canola. mix, charge, use.

Dec 23, 2019
Thank you

I was wondering please can this method be used in conjunction with other forms of maledictions and curses thank you for your times

Feb 07, 2020
are you asking if you can cast this along with a couple of other curses? yes, but I would focus my energy on one spell instead of breaking it up amongst several that do the same thing. [plus, if you cast 5 spells and only one works, you won't know which one it was] so, you can, but it's wiser to cast one, wait a month, then cast another if needed.

Do we like Really Need the candle?

Would writing the target's name on a piece of paper work if you don't have a picture of them?

Sep 08, 2023
Yes [but in the day of social media and camera phones, you can find a way to acquire it] If you go with the name, try and be as specific as possible. If you know their full name, it's best. Other things which could help is date of birth, phone number, address, nicknames, and anything else that would be specific to them. [if you're a good artist, you could draw a picture] it's also better to get something that belongs to them DNA being best [blood, hair, nails, spit, skin. If you can pick a piece of hair off their clothes, get a bandaid, or chewed gum] you can also use an item that belongs to them, like a pencil or clothes.

Can I use lemon juice in stead of a lemon

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