Yule rebirth tea

SpellsHealth  ► Diet  ► Yule rebirth tea
Embrace the essence of Yule with my revitalizing Rebirth Tea Blend recipe!

Casting Instructions for 'Yule rebirth tea'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Australian honeysuckle petals
  • Aloe vera leaves
  • Amaryllis petals
  • Anemone petals
  • Calla lily petals
  • Chrysanthemum petals
  • Cherry blossom petals
  • Daffodil petals
  • Daisy petals
  • Gladiolus petals
  • Hyacinth petals
  • Iris petals
  • Lilac petals
  • Lily petals
  • Lewisia petals
  • Magnolia petals
  • Mistletoe berries(not American mistletoe)
  • Marigold petals
  • Orchid petals
  • Peony petals
  • Rose petals
  • Rain lily petals
  • Sunflower petals
  • Strawflower petals
  • Thyme leaves
  • Thistle flower petals
  • Vervain leaves
  • White tulip petals
  • White carnation petals
  • Woodruff leaves
  • Yucca flower petals
  • Yerba santa flower petals
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Australian honeysuckle petals
  • Aloe vera leaves
  • Amaryllis petals
  • Anemone petals
  • Calla lily petals
  • Chrysanthemum petals
  • Cherry blossom petals
  • Daffodil petals
  • Daisy petals
  • Gladiolus petals
  • Hyacinth petals
  • Iris petals
  • Lilac petals
  • Lily petals
  • Lewisia petals
  • Magnolia petals
  • Mistletoe berries(not American mistletoe)
  • Marigold petals
  • Orchid petals
  • Peony petals
  • Rose petals
  • Rain lily petals
  • Sunflower petals
  • Strawflower petals
  • Thyme leaves
  • Thistle flower petals
  • Vervain leaves
  • White tulip petals
  • White carnation petals
  • Woodruff leaves
  • Yucca flower petals
  • Yerba santa flower petals
  1. Combine the herbs in a food processor until desired consistency.
  2. Store in a jar and use in Yule rituals to make teas and/or bless your Yule teas to be potions.
  3. Enjoy every sip whenever you have your Yule tea.


Added to on Aug 02, 2024
Part of the Spell Casters Library.

Yule Blessing

December 21st is Yule, this is a blessing for the holiday season.
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Learn more about Yule and spells and rituals around the winter holiday season


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