Let you understand and control the colors of power
Casting Instructions for 'Colors of Power'
You will need the following items for this spell:
Alone Time
You will need the following items for this spell:
Alone Time
To control the colors you must first know what they are, what they mean, and how they effect you.
To most people when you look at your soroundings you see nothing but what's there. If you look closer you will see extremely little dots of different colors. There more than an illusion of you eyes, these are the very energys that make life the way it is. You can produce it with your mood and it will influence others moods as well.
The meaning and effect of colors:
Red: Power;Anger, feeling mighty
Blue: Knowledge; Calm; basic energy of magic
Green:Jelosy; Over shadowed
White: Love; Happy, In control
Purple: Wisdom; has no feeling, only represents your state of mind
To unlock your eyes to see these(although for some it comes naturally) it's best if you meditate at night, somewhere comfortable where you can lean back. Close your eyes look for something not black, most the time their moving. It may take a few trys if not at night. Usually in the center of your eyes you will see changing shapes, they all mean something. Once you've got it down you can see them anytime you remember they exist.
To control them hold out your hand like your holding a very delicate ball(If you've seen how they hold magic on skyrim) and imagine their in a ball pit shifting around to get to your hand. It takes concentration to get it in a ball(be shore it's only one colors at a time. When you think you got enough you may launch it at a target or take it for yourself y simply pushing it I to you chest. This art will take lots of practice to get right.
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