Getting Rid of Your Sadness

SpellsHealth  ► Healing  ► Getting Rid of Your Sadness
This is a spell that will help you to take away your tears and pain.

Casting Instructions for 'Getting Rid of Your Sadness'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A blue candle (symbolising sadness)
  • A yellow candle (symbolising happiness)
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A blue candle (symbolising sadness)
  • A yellow candle (symbolising happiness)
Light the blue candle and let your troubles flow over you. Let the tears out. Then, blow the blue candle out and light the yellow candle. Think about all the positive things that are in your life. Think about how you can stop being sad and start being happy. After you are content, say this twice:

''Gods of happiness, hear my plea,
I wish to be as happy as can be.
Take away these tears and pain,
And make me happy once again.''


Added to on Nov 09, 2014
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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If u are interested in any kind of spells contact me

If this helps you, do it, however, no spell will cure your mental health, nor will you be happy all of the time. As a healing spell, it is plausible, but I would change the chant. If you wish to call on a deity, pick a specific one, preferably one you work with. As for chanting, you should repeat it more than twice. If you take anti-depressants, you can charge them with positive energy and say an affirmation or chant when you take them.

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