Become a Vampire

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SpellsHealth  ► Immortality  ► Become a Vampire
This spell will only turn you a half vampire!

Casting Instructions for 'Become a Vampire'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Candle
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Candle

Be outside at night, as long as it's dark out. Under the full moon. Light any color candle. Say:

"Under the gods, under the moon
creatures of the night hide in shadows,
Longing, I wish for part of the life of a vampire,
the blood, the thirst, so mote it be".

Blow out the candle.


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Last edited on Jul 02, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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You cannot become a vampire.

Feb 16, 2025
That’s a lie cos I’ve seen one

Feb 17, 2025
Then I would check your eyesight, or possibly seek professional help, because physical Dracula vampires are not real. Vampires are astral beings. There are psi vampires, and people who claim to have vampire spirits on the physical plane, but they are not the same as the type that this spell claims you can become. You are human, and nothing will change that. Immortal blood sucking vampires are not physical beings and you cannot transform into one because Magik does not defy nature. You are human.

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