Demon Wolf

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SpellsLife  ► Baby  ► Demon Wolf
This will make you the demon wolf.

Casting Instructions for 'Demon Wolf'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • None
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • None

Say 5-10 times:

"Werewolfs of the full moon, hear my plea, make me the demon wolf off of teen wolf, in human and wolf form i will be able to see 1000 miles away, smell up to 500 miles away, and hear up to 900 miles away, and be x10000 stronger than a elaphant and 1000 times faster than a cheeta, i will be able to withstand temperatures over 150 and below -50 deegrees, please make me as i was meant to be the demon wolf, so mote it be."

Male- I will be 6 feet tall weigh 250 pounds with a 8 pack

Female- I will be 6 feet tall weigh 100 pounds with a perfect body

Side effects-

  • Bone aches
  • Super senses
  • Super strength
  • Super speed
  • Super jumping skills
  • Sharper teeth
  • Transformation at will often at random too meaning transformations may happen without you doing it 


Added to on Dec 17, 2015
Last edited on Jul 17, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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You cannot physically transform into anything. You are human. [although I love how they included the line ''demon wolf off of teen wolf'' lol nice reference spell]

Apr 08, 2019
Well it is theoretically possible but I doubt any one has done it.

i jut said the spell how long do i have to wait to see the affects

Sep 18, 2019
Demons are spirits, you cannot become a spirit with magick, you also can't undertake physical transformations to turn you into a wolf either. Any side effects you see from this spell would merely be placebo, you cannot become a demon wolf with magick.

Feb 15, 2020
For the record demons are completely different from spirits.

Feb 16, 2020
demons aren't spirits, but they are spiritual beings, that's what HearthWitch was saying. You can't become a spiritual being because you're a physical one.

You cannot physically transform.

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