Thorn Banishing Ward

SpellsLife  ► Banishing  ► Thorn Banishing Ward
A physical ward to bury or place near the entrance of a place you want an enemy kept out of, or wear it on your person to keep an enemy away. Won a few awards with this one, it works!

Casting Instructions for 'Thorn Banishing Ward'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Two small thorny twigs
  • Peacock eye
  • Black ribbon
  • Black pepper
  • Candle charged for banishing.
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Two small thorny twigs
  • Peacock eye
  • Black ribbon
  • Black pepper
  • Candle charged for banishing.
Light the candle.

Take the thorns and place them to make a crossroads. Visualise the thorns piercing your enemy. Say, ''Tangled briar, twisted thorn, render my enemies flesh as torn''

Place the peacock eye in the middle of the crossroads. Visualise its penetrating stare. Say,''no enemy shall go unseen with this eye of purple,blue, and green.''

Tie everything together with the black ribbon. Visualise it tying your enemy up. Say ''ribbon black, bind and weave, cause my enemy to leave.''

Take the candle, mix some of the pepper in the melted wax, and place three drops of the mixture on each twig. Visualise it burning and stinging your enemies eyes and skin. Say, ''wax boil and pepper burn, banish this person as I yearn.''


Added to on Jun 14, 2014
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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