Make a Spell Successful

SpellsLife  ► Banishing  ► Make a Spell Successful
This is some general information about making a spell work.

Casting Instructions for 'Make a Spell Successful'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Quartz crystal other things of your own that you think may work feel free to do so.
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Quartz crystal other things of your own that you think may work feel free to do so.

So first why spells may not be working usually has to do with the way you feel act or understand what you are doing. Okay so number1. Spells do not work if you have a bad understanding of why or what you are doing when you do a spell you have to know what know what the ingredients mean not just take some ones word for it or can can change some thing to fit the way you feel for example to the person who wrote the spell red could mean to them healing and life but blue would mean that to you another thing is strong negativity. a little negativity is perfectly normal nothing to worry about so don't stress your self bye trying to stop that little voice in your head that is saying no it is super normal.

The way you can clear your aura and get that strong negativity out -for some people unless you of course have no belief in wicca at all. Tie a string or what ever around the quartz crystal then tie the string around your head so the quartz crystal is in the center of your for head. Then just imagine the color of the negativity and bad energy all going from your head in to the Crystal.after you're done wash the Crystal is salt water. The other reason why spells don't work is because it has to mean some thing to you or it mens nothing.

So when you read someone's spell maybe at your own things to it that make sense to you to make it your own. You can not! Have that okay i will do this and lets see what happens attitude what your doing has to mean some thing to you in your head and hart.


Added to on Jul 09, 2014
Last edited on Jun 29, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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