Banishing Negative Energies

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SpellsLife  ► Banishing  ► Banishing Negative Energies
Instructions on removing negative energy from your home.

Casting Instructions for 'Banishing Negative Energies'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Sage Smudge Sticks
  • Salt
  • Brass or Silver bell
  • Feather
  • White Vinegar
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Sage Smudge Sticks
  • Salt
  • Brass or Silver bell
  • Feather
  • White Vinegar

Start by opening all windows and doors in your home to allow fresh air in, and to get the stale air out. Now, wash down your walls with white vinegar. When you are finished, light sage smudge sticks and, using the feather, waft the incense smoke throughout your home; moving in a clockwise motion through your residence. 

Use the bell to do the same, ringing it while you move throughout your home. All the while, visualizing your actions ridding your home of negative and/or parasitic energies. Finally, sprinkle the salt around your home and then sweep it and the last of the negativity out of your home. 


Added to on Apr 30, 2017
Last edited on Jul 06, 2019
Part of the The Air Element Library.


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This is a working spells, but I would not preform a sage smudge as this is a closed practice. However, you can purchase or craft a cleansing bundle using a variety of herbs that are not white sage and this spell will still work.

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