Eye Changing

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SpellsLife  ► Growing  ► Eye Changing
Wanna change your eye colour? Easy! Just follow the steps and you will achieve it!

Casting Instructions for 'Eye Changing'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Candle of current eye color
  • Candle of desired eye colour
  • 2 cups
  • Food colouring of your current eye colour
  • Food coloring of your desired eye colour
  • Voice
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Candle of current eye color
  • Candle of desired eye colour
  • 2 cups
  • Food colouring of your current eye colour
  • Food coloring of your desired eye colour
  • Voice

1. Fill two glasses of water halfway.
2. Add the colour of your eyes into one of them with food colouring
3. Add the colour of what you want your eyes to be in the other glass.
4. Light the 2 candles
5. Chant:


"My eyes are dull let them be no more, make them the colour that I adore. Change from (Current colour) to (New colour)and make it fast, please answer my call that's all I ask."


6. Dump the water that has your new eye colour on the candle that has your old eye colour, and put the other glass in the freezer. Let the second candle burn out on it's own.
7. After one day take the glass from the freezer, heat it up and then drink it.
8. Your eyes should change within 24 hours if it worked.


Added to on Nov 18, 2015
Last edited on Mar 26, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Will this work?

Apr 18, 2019
No you can't change your eye colour with magick. If a spell sounds too good to be true, or is something you can't do without magick then most likely it is a fake spell.

Why do people go out of their way to make fake spells?

Jun 05, 2019
ignorance and apathy.

just save your self from the disappointment and go buy colored contacts

Ut works omg my eyes where green and now there blue! Keep up the good work! *it

Jun 14, 2019
It does not work. Magick can't rewrite DNA.

Jul 07, 2019
did it really work

Jul 07, 2019
it didn't work. magick doesn't contradict nature, your eyes can change over time, but you can't just will them to change. since it's not part of human nature, a spell won't make them change.

Aug 03, 2019
She has a point. You can't just rewrite your genes.

Jul 13, 2020
@hododendron it can if your a real witch.

Jul 13, 2020
Magick cannot do physical changes like that. ''real witch'' isn't a thing. You can be born with natural talent, but it doesn't make you any better than someone who converted and learned on their own, so don't insinuate that there are ''real witches'' because it's an insulting term.

Apr 28, 2023
if magic can do what science can do then why are we all here? magic isn't science. There is no one way to do it. There are no restrictions to it either, other than belief. Some people can only perform magic that science can also understand, just like how some artists can only paint but can't draw. Others can do more unexplainable stuff. Just because you couldn't do it doesn't mean others can't, even if it seems impossible. Please do try a spell before you say it doesn't work. Or say that it might not work instead. It's like saying you don't like mangos without trying them.

Apr 28, 2023
if magic can do what science can do then why are we all here? magic isn't science. There is no one way to do it. There are no restrictions to it either, other than belief. Some people can only perform magic that science can also understand, just like how some artists can only paint but can't draw. Others can do more unexplainable stuff. Just because you couldn't do it doesn't mean others can't, even if it seems impossible. Please do try a spell before you say it doesn't work. Or say that it might not work instead. It's like saying you don't like mangos without trying them.

Sep 24, 2023
Earth witch magic isn’t against nature, if you don’t know what witchcraft really is then go research first, try doing this spell, nothing will happen.


If only magic could actually do this

Feb 16, 2021
I never tried it before but I've heard constant Subliminals can do this. I doubt it but it sounds cool

You cannot change your eye colour with Magic.

I'd totally try, but I like my aqua-green eyes (which, BTW, are rare, not to boast)

Mar 26, 2020
Yeah, most people are probably casting to get your eye colour [I know I would lol] unfortunately magick doesn't work like this, so the spell won't work, but keep practicing and trying out spells.

Mar 26, 2020
Yeah, most people are probably casting to get your eye colour [I know I would lol] unfortunately magick doesn't work like this, so the spell won't work, but keep practicing and trying out spells.

Sep 12, 2024
Lucky my eyes are gray or is it grey

fake spell.

hearthwitch why are you always putting someone down in belief of magic if you dont believe in magic then dont comment

Oct 05, 2020
HearthWitch knows what she's talking about and is willing to teach people. She isn't trying to ''put down'' people's beliefs. [none of us who teach are] She's trying to explain the reality of magick to new members. That's all. Magick is limited by nature on the physical. You might be able to cast an illusion so people think your eyes are a different colour, but you can't change them from green to gold. Buy contacts if you want that, but magick can't do these types of changes.

it’s about how strongly you believe in it.

Apr 29, 2023
It's not about the strength of your belief [plenty of people believe the earth is flat, the moon landing's fake, and trump is still president. That doesn't make any of it true] Magick on the physical is ruled by nature and doesn't contradict nature. Humans can't will their eyes to change [and I'm talking you have brown eyes and go ''I want purple'' then blink and they're purple] How an eye colour spell could work is by creating an illusion so others perceive your eyes as a different colour, but in reality, your eye colour will not physically change.

Fake spell you can't change your eye color

This won't work. You can cast the illusion that your eyes are a different color, but in reality it will never physically change you.

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