Aiding a Loved One Spell
- Red Candle
- Blue Candle
- Black Candle
- Magenta Candle
- Indigo Candle
- Light Blue Candle
- Grey Candle
- Waxing Moon (Optional)
- Cornflower (Optional)
- Mint
- Bay Leaves
- Meditation Music (Optional)
- Chlorite (Optional)
- Chrysoprase (Optional)
- Photo or Poppet of Hurting Person/Pet
- Incense
- Saltwater
Casting Instructions for 'Aiding a Loved One Spell'
Secret Desire Fulfilled
Ritual Kit
Preface: I have had a horrible time the past six years with my diabetic father being in and out of hospitals for as long as I can remember. More recently, one of my friends has had a rough time with their dog's health, and I was planning on performing this for her tonight. I thought that perhaps I could help some others with this. This is from my great grandmother's grimoire, though I have altered the English a bit since this has been taken from a code in her Book of Shadows. First and foremost, remember that this is a spell and not a prayer. A spell is more of a command, while a prayer is more of a request. Spells are used to redirect energies, which is what we are trying to accomplish here. Remember not to fret if you don't have some ingredients: some are completely optional, and some are mandatory, but I try to encourage the ones not listed as "optional" to be used. Also be sure that you believe in yourself while performing the spell. Don't wish that it will work—know that it will work. At the same time, understand that life is life, and it will come, and it will end. This spell is to help aid somebody and yourself—not to heal.
Solo Spell Instructions:
- Turn the lights off or dim them (if this helps you meditate). At this time you may cast a circle if you wish.
- Place all of your crystals in front of you (if you choose to use crystals) at your altar/workstation.
- Light the candles* except for the red one and sit in a chair/on your knees in front of your altar/workstation. Make sure you’re comfortable.
- When you are ready, chant once:
“Brigid and Lugh**, the powerful God and Goddess of all healing:
I request of you today the help of aiding my beloved (title of person/pet)***, (name of person/pet).
You have helped me in my journey as of yet, and I hope my plea to you may reach you this (time of day).
I am not requesting the healing of (name of person/pet), but instead help in the spell I am to cast in hopes they shall have a smooth recovery."
- Light the red candle last. Stare into the flame and think about the person who is hurting. It might be a good idea to have a picture present of the person during the meditation. Do not speak during this part.
- While you meditate until the red candle is gone, make sure you know your intent is clear: to aid your loved one.
- After the flame has run out, light your incense. Place half of the photograph into the smoke of the incense. Chant:
“By the fire and the air, this is (name).
(Name) is with us.
(Name) is they, and (name) is here.”
- Wet the other half of the photograph with some saltwater. Chant:
“By the earth and the water, this is (name).
(Name) is with us.
(Name) is they, and (name) is here.”
- Hold the photograph up towards the sky. Chant:
“Lord and Lady, please see this as (name).
See that (name) is with us.
Brigid and Lugh**, please see that we are trying to aid in healing (name).
So mote it be.”
I recommend writing this spell in a journal if it worked for you, as well as any other spell you may do, as well as how well it worked for you. This is a great way not only to keep track of spells you can do in the future, but will also be a great learning experience. Blessed be, and I wish you a safe journey whether you're still in or even out of the broom closet.
If you would like this in a group/Coven format, I can translate it to a group ritual. Please let me know via note or comment.
*Note: They should be in candle holders respectively! Always be safe around an open flame. To ensure safety around candles, please see the National Candle Association's website:
**Note: This god and goddess can be of your choosing.
***Note: You may state their name(s) in place of the other person (people) involved.
Ingredient Meanings:
- Red Candle: Represents health, energy, strength, sexual virility, courage, and the masculine principle in nature.
- Blue Candle: Represents healing, truth, inspiration, high wisdom, occult power, psychic protection, understanding, good health, and the feminine principle in nature.
- Black Candle: Can be used for grounding negative energies and also can be used for protection.
- Magenta Candle: Energizes rituals where immediate action and high level of power or spiritual healing is needed quickly. Quick changes, exorcism, spiritual healing.
- Indigo Candle: Represents color of inertia, stops situations or people, use in rituals that require a deep meditation state.
- Light Blue Candle: Represents spiritual color, helpful in devotional or inspirational meditations, brings peace and tranquility to the home, employ where a situation must be synthesized.
- Grey Candle: Represents neutral color, useful when pondering complex issues during meditation, in magic this often sparks confusion, it also negates or neutralizes a negative influence.
- Waxing Moon (Optional): The waxing moon is the period between the new moon and full moon. This is a special time for expansion and growth, and accumulating strength.
- Cornflower (Optional): Use in rituals to give honor to the Mother of all nature.
- Mint: Use on the altar to draw good spirits to assist in your magick. Also used in healing.
- Bay Leaves: Protection, good fortune, success, purification, strength, healing and psychic powers. Write wishes on the leaves and then burn the leaves to make the wishes come true.
- Meditation Music (Optional): Listening to music softly in the background of prayer oftentimes helps your spell. This is a playlist that helps me a lot:
- Chlorite (Optional): Powerful, positive healing stone.
- Chrysoprase (Optional): Calming, balancing, and healing for physical, emotional and mental bodies. Helps one see clearly into personal problems.
- Photo or Poppet of Hurting Person/Pet
- Incense
- Saltwater
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