Cobweb Binding

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SpellsLife  ► Revenge  ► Cobweb Binding
An easy binding spell.

Casting Instructions for 'Cobweb Binding'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Spider webs
  • Virgin paper
  • Black cloth
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Spider webs
  • Virgin paper
  • Black cloth

Gather spider webs from your house and a dead fly. Put the fly on the webs.Write on virgin paper: "North South East West: Spiders web shall bind him best. East West North South: Holds his limbs and stops his mouth. Seal his eyes and choke his breath. Wrap him 'round with ropes of death!"

Fold the paper 4 times. Place the paper, webs and fly onto some black cloth. Bind the cloth together at the four corners so it makes a little bag with the paper, webs and fly inside. Then hang this in any dark corner undisturbed until it gets coated thickly with dust. Lastly, after this has happened, bury it.


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Last edited on Sep 12, 2015
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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does this really work?

Jul 10, 2019
why would you want to know hun

Have you used this? It seems like it would take a long time for the cloth to gather dust.

It is probably missing a part where you focus or name the person you are trying to bind

Sep 12, 2024
I agree

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