Hatred Towards Thy Ex Curse

SpellsLife  ► Revenge  ► Hatred Towards Thy Ex Curse
This spell takes a lot of concentration, it's not wise to use curses, but sometimes hate takes over. This is fairly simple, but takes a lot of energy, please be careful.

Casting Instructions for 'Hatred Towards Thy Ex Curse'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Paper
  • Pen
  • Candle
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Paper
  • Pen
  • Candle

Since this spells easy here is what you need to do, stare or think of your ex (an ex) someone that really makes you mad, now write down what you wish to happen to him. Focus your hate on the paper in a dark quiet room, try to shed a tear or two let it land on the paper. Light your candle, slowly burn the paper and say

"You hurt me in the past, but this burning paper is my revenge, after it is fulfilled I will be free from you, I will no longer feel the pain you gave me, the hate you caused, and the heart your shattered, this is my gift to you, so mote it be."

After, make or do something that relaxes you, get your mind off the hate. Let yourself restore your energy, and slowly let comfort take over your heart. The curse will take some time, even a lot of concentration the first night, if you feel if it's stronger to keep doing it for a few days then go ahead. Just know there are some side effects, fatigue loss, depression, crying softly, and feeling completely lost. Relaxing will make the symptoms go away, even make you feel refreshed the next day.


Added to on Nov 09, 2014
Last edited on Jul 23, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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I noticed it says him so can this curse be used on a female as well or only a male

Aug 10, 2024
Yes it can work on either, just change the pronouns

I would call this a hex and not a curse but that's just semantics. As outlined, it appears to be a working hex. Be sure to repeat the chant. I would hold the paper and chant as you build the energy. When you are about to scream, burn the paper to release the energy. I like the self-care after you cast. While I do not cast baneful spells, they are not automatically evil or wrong. Negative energy lingers longer than positive energy. Most Witches who worry a baneful spell backfired on them is typically the result of the lingering negative vibes. Cleanse your space to get rid of any left over gunk, then focus on your self-care. You chose to hex them, do not doubt your choice. If the universe has a lesson for you, it will teach you one. If the situation is something like they cheated or they used me it is highly unlikely you will get in trouble. From what I have seen, divine lessons from baneful workings are because you put a generational curse on someone who cut you off in traffic. It is the old used a flamethrower to kill a spider problem. If you think before you cast and determined this was the right spell, accept whatever happens. This includes to them. Sometimes, Witches hex someone then feel bad when the person gets hurt. Learn from it and apply what you learned in future.

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