Burn That God Forsaken Place

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SpellsLife  ► Revenge  ► Burn That God Forsaken Place
Get back for something done wrong to you

Casting Instructions for 'Burn That God Forsaken Place'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 2 pieces of paper
  • Something to write with
  • A cauldron or metal bowl of some sort
  • A few wooden sticks
  • And a match or lighter
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 2 pieces of paper
  • Something to write with
  • A cauldron or metal bowl of some sort
  • A few wooden sticks
  • And a match or lighter
Draw the place that you wish to set on fire on one of the pieces of paper and write the name/address on the other. Then meditate and clear mind for about 10 minutes, then imagine that place on fire. Smell the ash. Feel the blisturing heat almost as if it senders your own skin. Make a mental note of the pain you feel, now open your eyes. Assemble the sticks in your cauldron and use the match or lighter to set them on fire. Chant with a strong commanding voice.... ''
Spirits that destroy by flame,I summon thee.
'' Now ball up the picture of the building and throw it in the fire you made. recite 5 times. ''
Spirits that detroy with fire, I ask of you to do the same
'' And before throwing in the piece with the name/adress give it the kiss of death by simply kissing it. Thank the spirits for their help. And don't put out your cauldron fire just let it burn on.


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I love that name, short, simple, and straight to the point!

This will not work. If it did it would make you an arsonist. Burning someone's property is a crime.

Mar 31, 2019
A crime for those who live by laws that prevent them from doing it. If you live by your own rules, anything is possible. Not saying it would work in this level of reality or in the exact manner the spell intends, of course.

Apr 01, 2019
A crime is literally something punishable by law, so whether you live by your own rules or not, it's still a crime, Nyarlath. (Also, it kind of sounds like you're saying arson is okay? I'm not saying you are, I'm just pointing out that your comment could come across that way.)

am going to try this and tell you if it worked ok

Mar 29, 2019
well...did it?

Does this work?

Aug 29, 2024
As outlined, I doubt it, but you could hex them. I would use a picture of the place you wish to burn and add a few baneful herbs to the fire. It may not literally burn, but it will target the building and add more negative energy to it which will seep in and last longer. If you want it to literally burn, you would need a connection to the fire element [some people are naturally gifted with fire magick] and perhaps call on a deity with justice, vengeance, and/or fire energy to help you.

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