Hex to Chaos

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SpellsLife  ► Revenge  ► Hex to Chaos
A spell to hex someone and bring them chaos.

Casting Instructions for 'Hex to Chaos'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A piece of long string (about a foot long)
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A piece of long string (about a foot long)

Tie knots into the string a few inches apart while reciting: First knot: 

"With this knot I seal this hex. You will not sleep. You will not rest. Knots of anger, Knots of hate. Discord brings you to your fate."
Second knot:
"I tie this second knot makes 2. Bringing darkness, fear. Over slander, evil too. Bringing darkness straight to you."
Third knot:"
With this third knot, I do. Bind chaos in your mind. Hex of anger, hex of hater. Bring one down, I will not wait."

To make this final try to hide this string (with all three knots tied now) somewhere in their home. 


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Last edited on May 28, 2016
Part of the Deep Arts Library.


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How do u know that it works?

Aug 05, 2019
Well as you're casting you should be charging a lot of negative emotions. You should feel enraged and upset. As for the person, you would be able to see physical evidence, typically when someone's is cursed they will appear tied, slightly ill, nervous or agitated and basically like they're having a bad day. As for noticeable activities, could be late for class, locker was broken into, flat tire, got in trouble with authority figure, trip and fell, and basically ''bad luck''. The only way you cannot see the spell working [unless they tell you] is the energetic/spiritual level [you may be able to sense the energy around them or see their aura to determine this] they would be having nightmares, negative thoughts, feeling uneasy, weak, as though they're coming down with a cold, a heavy icy energy weighing down on them, and so on. From experience, I would cast the spell and be satisfied it was cast correctly because of how you felt during the casting process [also, be sure to cleanse your space and yourself of any lingering negative energy]

I did this spell on some very bad house guest before I preformed this spell I had been hot footing them for about 2 weeks then I preformed this spell it really worked for me, 2days after preforming the spell sh** hit the fan the unwanted house guest couldn’t lave fast enough.

Aug 04, 2023
Congratulations on the successful spell just don't use banned language [bleeping the word also counts] you could get your account gagged for rules violations.

Instead of hiding the string could I burn it instead

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