Very Simple Good Luck

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SpellsLife  ► Success  ► Very Simple Good Luck
This spell calls upon the power of the new moon to give you good luck.

Casting Instructions for 'Very Simple Good Luck'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Orange candle
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Orange candle

At midnight on the night of the new moon, light the orange candle and picture an orange glow surrounding you and chant the following words:

"Brimstone, moon and witches fire. Good luck I shall now acquire. Midnight twelve, the witching hour. By wax and wick now work thy power. Harming none, this spell is done. My luck to change, by moon and sun. By the law of three so mote it be".

Snuff out candle and wait for your good luck to kick in.


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Last edited on Sep 02, 2016
Part of the Magical Beings Working Alone Library.


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Can I play Russian roulette IN my hostages or Playing cards to test (By the way where I can find orange cundle I don't think if its in nornal shop

While orange has abundance energy, green is the colour associated with luck. But, if you find orange is more lucky for you, use it. I am not a huge fam of the chant, particularly the line about time. This is not required, and I can see it hindering your spell. What you are saying in a chant is telling the universe what you want. You can call on specific elements, deities, or energies in the chant, but the goal is to tell them what you want. The times mentioned do not add to it beyond the rhyme. There also is no energy behind it. You should charge the candle with Magikal energy, carve your name, and carve a good luck symbol into the candle. I would also let the candle burn out completely, or repeat the spell over several days to build the energy. As the candle burns, continue to chant until you feel the energy is at its peak. You can then stop, but focus on what you consider good luck as it burns. Again, doing this tells the Magikal energy what your goal is. Magik is an energy, it deals in intention. You intention, attitude, mood, effects the energy around you. It changes the vibration to attract or repel your desire. The longer you work on a spell, the more energy you are putting into it, the more likely it will work. With that said, be aware there is such a thing as too much energy, but that balance is something you discover with practice.

It's nice, but I've been searching for a good luck gambling spell for my neighbor, does anyone have the 411 on that? Thx

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