Ritual for the Execution of Desire with 40 Candles

SpellsLife  ► Wish  ► Ritual for the Execution of Desire with 40 Candles
Ritual for the execution of desire with 40 candles.

Casting Instructions for 'Ritual for the Execution of Desire with 40 Candles'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 40 candles
  • 1 mirror
  • 1 tray
  • 1 red fabric
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 40 candles
  • 1 mirror
  • 1 tray
  • 1 red fabric

It is better to do on the moon rising in the days of strength from 12 to 3 nights. Buy in the church 40 tapers (not cut). Put them on a beautiful tray. Put the tray on the floor. By the wall leans a little mirror.

Light all the candles and pray in your own words on the implementation of the most cherished desire. Pray until the candle does not go out. Your request must be emotional.

When the candle burned, then pick up the mirror and wrap it in a red cloth. This - the generator of your energy. Now, when you will be overflowing emotions, look in it for 5 minutes. It will concentrate in himself the power of which will come in handy for the execution of your wishes.


Added to on May 31, 2012
Last edited on Nov 20, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Well, this sounds like overkill. I am a little confused by what this spell plans to accomplish. If I understand the description, this is a manifestation. You are telling the universe what you desire most. If that is the case, the general outline of blessing a candle, and letting it burn while you focus on your intention is a working spell. However, you do not need forty candles to do this, one will suffice. Also, if you are not Christian, you do not need to purchase your candles from a church. Dollar stores have taper candles and you can bless them yourself. I would recommend blessing your own candle so it has a specific intention to the spell. There are many ways to bless a candle, the church simply says a prayer over the candle, and you can do the same. As for waiting for the tapper candle to burn out, tappers are meant to last. I would turn this into a seven day spell. Let it burn for the same amount of time every day for seven days, letting it burn out on the seventh day. This adds energy to your spell. If you want to do it on one go, clear your schedule. Your average tapper can burn anywhere from 6-10 hours. The bigger the candle, the longer the burn. This spell should work with any type of candle, so long as you have charged it with your intentions.

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