Power to Wish

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SpellsLife  ► Wish  ► Power to Wish
Use this spell to grant a wish.

Casting Instructions for 'Power to Wish'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • None
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • None

Donate a drop of your blood and say, "Oh might Gods and Goddesses, give me the power to be a wish maker".



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Last edited on Sep 17, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Tadashi, Do you think this wish spell works?

Jul 08, 2024
Not how it is outlined. Oh, generic deity with no name, give me the ability to ask for stuff does not sound very convincing to me as a spell. Even if you donate a single drop of blood, this will not work.

However wish spells are real, they do work, and you can create one fairly easily. A wish spell is essentially a spell to cast when you cannot find a specific spell. Wish spells can also be altered to become a specific spell through the items you use. All you really need is intention, charge enough energy, and imagine your goal. You can call on a deity, but it is not required. If you are calling on a deity, you should leave an offering because they are helping you. Birthday wishes are a simple example. You could wish on a star. You could make a wish on an eyelash. Think of all the superstitions you heard growing up. Those are forms of root work. Manifestation could be considered wish spells. A simple but effective one is to write your desire on a bay leaf and burn it. Before you do, be sure to hold it, charge it with Magik, and think about what you want. When you burn it, you can say a chant, or simply say bring my wish to me.

Like with most spells, be realistic. A wish spell sends your desire into the universe and charges your energy to attract your wish into your life. You will still need to work toward your goal, but wish spells are fairly simple. You could test it with something small, such as wishing to find a quarter. If you are wanting powers, it will not work. If you are wishing for a job, you could cast that, but I would also cast an actual job spell since it would have more energy specific to that goal. Personally, I cast wish spells when I am worried about an outcome, or need a little boost of good fortune. Anything major, look into specific spells.

Jul 26, 2024
One final note I forgot to add: If you do work with a deity, you can ask them for stuff. However, and I cannot stress this enough, deities are not our personal wish granters. You can call on any higher being for stuff, but there is usually an exchange. You ask a fairy for something, you owe them. You ask a demon for something, you owe them. Nothing is free. When we work with deities, the deity is helping us grow on our path. They might see how hard you are working and reward you with a little something. That would be a gift. If you are working with a deity for the sole purpose of getting stuff, the deity will know what you are intending to use them for, and either ignore you or teach you a lesson. If you need something, for example, you receive an unexpected bill and have no idea how to pay it, you can turn to your spiritual team and ask them for help. They love us unconditionally, and do not want to see us suffer. Unless this bill was their way of teaching you to be responsible, they will help you find the money without asking for something in return. I mean, beyond your normal devotion, maybe ask you to create a budget. If you want something, you can go to your deity and go ''Hey, I need this thing, I will give you this really great offering in exchange'' and the usually agree; provided this is not your hundredths ''bribe'' offering.

While I do not work with demons or djinn, I have friends who do, and their relationship is closer to contract work than veneration. Some work with specific demons for guidance on specific things, similar to deity veneration, but not all. You can ask a demon for something, but you will need to contract them. You ask a demon who specializes in wealth to get you a fancy car, you will need to give them something of equal value to them in return. Once you make this arrangement, they provide what you want, you better pay them back. Demons are not evil, but they will collect what you owe them by any means. Most demonic possessions are because someone thought they could outsmart a higher being, and that higher being was all not on my watch and chose to destroy your life until you pay them. That is the problem a lot of Witches do not comprehend, and that is the human condition. We want to think we are number one, because humanity is at the top of the food chain. On a spiritual level, we are somewhere around wolf. We can take out stuff, but there are bigger things that could take us out without any difficulty. However, in a pack (coven) we can do more than alone. We still need to be humble, but we can still move mountains on our own.

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