Bring someone back into your life

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SpellsLove  ► Crush  ► Bring someone back into your life
A spell that is meant to compel someone to reenter your life. It fills them with lust for you, or at least lust for the idea of you.

Casting Instructions for 'Bring someone back into your life'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Incense (Optional)
  • A crystal/gemstone (Optional)
  • A piece of Quarts (Recommended)
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Incense (Optional)
  • A crystal/gemstone (Optional)
  • A piece of Quarts (Recommended)
If you are using an incense, light it now.
Then, holding the gemstone if you've chosen to use on, say:

''With faith there is strength, with strength there is power, with power there is Magick always.
With faith there is strength, with strength there is power, with power there is Magick always.
With faith there is strength, with strength there is power, with power there is Magick always.
I call now upon the Wellsprings of Hecate, goddess of Magick, and ask that she lend her might to my spell.''

Then think of the person you wish to enchant. As you speak the following, visualize it happening.

''Now fly to [Full name];
fill him with a burning lust!
Reach into he; make him see
that I am the only man.
Have [name] think always about me;
[Full Name] has no control over his mind.

Upon this day held sacred to the goddess,
Henceforth shall [name] hold me as an idol,
ever withing to embrace me.
[Full Name] is to be obsessed with me.

As the light fades, so to does the resistance [name] offers.
Wash over [Full name], wipe from existence any Magick that keeps him free from me.
The Moon reaches into the sky,
a silver power that now
shall vale this spell.
With the power of Quarts,
[Name]'s feelings towards me
are transformed to love.

Lady Aphrodite, please bless me, and bring
[Full Name] back into my life.''

If you have a piece, hold a piece of Quarts throughout the last five lines of the spell.


Added to on May 10, 2012
Last edited on Dec 03, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Has this been tested?

Has anyone tried this?

This spell has a number of questionable choices that makes me question how well it works. You need more than a chant and a quartz crystal to attract someone back into your life. Not unless they are already thinking about you. Also, if you are calling on deities to do most of the work, be sure you have an offering for them. Especially if you do not work with those deities. I question why you call on Hecate for a love spell. Yes, she is a Goddess of Magik, but you want to bring a lover to you, therefore, you should call on a love deity. You later call on Aphrodite out of nowhere, so I do not see why you would not just call on her. There is no point to the quartz. I would also use a rose quartz, as it is associated with love. You can charge it and use it as a love charm to attract love. Since you want a specific person, you should use something that connects with the person in the spell. As for the chant, it needs to be rewritten. Casting a spell that speaks of how you want someone to be obsessed with you is dangerous. That is how you get a stalker.

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