Invoke the Three Power

SpellsLove  ► Enchantment  ► Invoke the Three Power
Use this spell to invoke the three power.

Casting Instructions for 'Invoke the Three Power'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • None.
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • None.

Chant "Hear now the word of the witches. The secret we hid in the night, the oldest of gods are invoiced here. The great work of magic is sought In this night and in this hour. We call upon the ancent power, bring your power to we sisters three. We want the power give us the power."


Added to on May 29, 2015
Last edited on Nov 22, 2024
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Is this spell even real can one person have all there power's of the legendary charmed ones or is this spell just a joke /fake

Dec 07, 2019
you can't have powers from Charmed. i never watched Charmed, but if you're a fan and wish to use a chant from the show to set the mood before casting you can try and see if it works for you, but you won't become like the characters. [i use a slight variation of the circle casting from The Craft and it works for me, so add what helps to your craft]

Nov 22, 2024
I come from long line of witches and yes there's three of us

Nov 22, 2024
No its. Real I used it

Nov 24, 2024
Pika2007, roleplaying is against site rules [which could get your account gagged for rule violation] Magick doesn't contradict nature, Charmed is a work of fiction.

Power of three doesn't mean by only adding ''by the power of three'' or ''power to we sister 3''.Example: three is mean Yang, neutral, yin or the ''trinity gods'' or ''trinity goddess'', or it have 3 sentences I Create.. I Change.. I destroy.., or Spirit of the sky, Spirit of the earth, Spirit of the underworld or ''Sun,Star,Moon'' like in tarot sky object, or the sentences repeated 3x or its 6,9,etc, it just the Spell have aligned with Primodial 3, which we can see in whole life category,example in business: Production section, Distribution section, Consument section. or in mathematic the first visible object is triangle, everything made of triangle. it always 3, then 3 is filled by 1(male, long/mass/mound object that unite and not seperated), 2(gate/door/window/hole with no center for us get enter,female,separated),thus from unite and separated it become 3 and from 1(unite lines),2(separated lines),3(neutral) it become all numbers, like in ''Shiva Trishula'' & taoism books, this is ''Esoterics'',numerology,subliminal. 15

Jun 09, 2023
Power of three is the 3 elements

Jun 10, 2023
No, it's not. ''Power of three'' refers to the threefold law which states what you do returns times three. [occasionally, it refers to the triple goddess aka Maiden, Mother and Crone] While people do work with elements, it's traditional to work with 4 or 5 [typically air, fire, water, earth and spirit, but chaos, wood, plasma, aether, and metal have also been used along with others] Druids have the elements land, sea and sky, they do work with all the elements. Anyway, the tl;dr is ''Power of three is talking about the threefold law''

I do not see the point of this exactly. As outline, it does nothing. Are you tacking it onto a spell? Are you using it as a curse? You cannot gain powers with Real Magik and the rule of three is not universal. Yes, I believe in it, but not everyone does, and not everyone understands it. If you are using this like a karmic attack dog, it will not work. That is not how the threefold law works.

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