Calling four Corners
Purpose: To banish negativity.
Strengthen positive virtues.
To pay respect to both the Goddess and God
You will need the following items for this spell:
- Athame
- Anointing Oil
- Matches
- 13 Candles (one of each of the following colors):
- Black, Blue, Brown, Gold, Gray, Green, Orange, Pink, Purple, Red, Silver, White, Yellow,
Casting Instructions for 'Calling four Corners'
Candle Colors
Attract Lover ritual kit

Attract Lover ritual kit
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Cast Circle Clockwise
With a Witches' blade
This circle now is made
Spirits of old
I call thee to guard and to behold.
Face East:
I greet the Spirits of the East
Who inspires Inspiration in all of us
Come and join with me
For you are welcome here.
Face South:
I greet the Spirits of the South
Who inspires Compassion in all of us
Come and join with me
For you are welcome here.
Face West:
I greet the Spirits of the West
Who inspires Faith in all of us
Come and join with me
For you are welcome here.
Face North:
I greet the Spirits of the North
Who inspires Wisdom in all of us
Come and join with me
For you are welcome here.
Move back to the center:
I greet the Spirits Within
Who inspires Understanding in all of us
Come and join with me
For you are welcome here.
Arrange candles on the alter from left to right as follows:
silver, gold, white, gray, black, orange, yellow, purple, red, blue, brown, green, pink
Anoint Candles:
I consecrate thee
As a tool of magick
I charge thee with power
In the name of the Goddess
And in the name of the God
So Mote It Be!
Repeat for each candle.
Light the silver candle:
Candle of silver
I light thee in honor of the Goddess
May She bless and protect this circle
So the magick that is within it this
Night will be brought to life.
So Mote It Be!
Light the gold candle:
Candle of gold
I light thee in honor of the God
May He bless and protect this circle
So the magick that is within it this
Night will be brought to life.
So Mote It Be!
Light the white candle:
Candle of white
I light thee for in your light there is truth,
Purity and spiritual strength.
As you burn bright and strong
May I learn to be more centered
And may I be blessed with wholeness.
So Mote It Be!
Light the gray candle:
Candle of gray
I light thee so that all negative energy
From within and without
may now be neutralized.
So Mote It Be!
Light the black candle:
Candle of black
I light thee so that all evil
May now be banished
And all sorrow and discord
Be brought to a close
Bless me with the power to let go of the past
and put to rest which is no longer
So that from this ending
A new beginning can emerge.
So Mote It Be!
Light the orange candle:
Candle of orange
I light thee for in your light there is
Encouragement and stimulation,
Adaptation and organization
As you burn bright and strong
May the powers of self-control and
Concentration be strengthened.
So Mote It Be!
Light the yellow candle:
Candle of yellow
I light thee for in your light there is unity,
Persuasion and creativity
As you burn bright and strong
May my confidence be increased
And my mind power be strengthened.
So Mote It Be!
Light the purple candle:
Candle of purple
I light thee for in your light there is
Ambition, dignity, and independence
Bless me with wisdom and protection
As you burn bright and strong
May my psychic and occult powers
Also grow in strength.
So Mote It Be!
Light the red candle:
Candle of red
I light thee for in your light there is
Strength, energy and passion
Bless me with will power and courage
Like the blood of life that flows through my veins
May your force always flow throughout
My body, my mind and my spiritual self.
So Mote It Be!
Light the blue candle:
Candle of blue
I light thee for in your light there is
Peace, inspiration and tranquility
As you burn bright and strong
May I come to know the virtues of
Patience, loyalty and understanding.
So Mote It Be!
Light the brown candle:
Candle of brown
I light thee for in your light there is
Stability and earthiness
As you burn bright and strong
May I learn to overcome
Indecision and hesitation
And all that holds me back.
So Mote It Be!
Light the green candle:
Candle of green
I light thee for in your light there is
Healing, fertility and prosperity
Grant me ambition and generosity
As you burn bright and strong
May I be blessed with good luck in abundance.
So Mote It Be!
Light the pink candle:
Candle of pink
I light thee for in your light there is
Affection and friendship,
Honor and unselfishness
As you burn bright and strong
May my spirit awaken and may my heart know
The true meaning of love
For love is the treasure at the end of the rainbow
And only love can conquer all
For love is light And light is love
And love shall be the law
So Mote It Be!
Visualize the magickal energy flowing from the candle's aura into your body through your finger tips. Continue until you feel your body is filled with the magickal rainbow of energy.
Close Circle:
Stand in the Center:
I bid farewell to the Spirits Within
Open to the Understanding you inspired
Attuned to the energied of the Spirit
Thankful for your attendance.
Face North:
I bid farewell to the Spirits of North
Open to the Wisdom you inspired
Attuned to the energized of Earth
Thankful for your attendance.
Face West:
I bid farewell to the Spirits of West
Open to the Faith you inspired
Attuned to the energized of Water
Thankful for your attendance.
Face South:
I bid farewell to the Spirits of South
Open to the Compassion you inspired
Attuned to the energized of Fire
Thankful for your attendance.
Face East:
I bid farewell to the Spirits of East
Open to the Inspiration you inspired
Attuned to the energized of Air
Thankful for your attendance.
In perfect love and harming none
Our sacred spellwork is now done
As the future becomes the present
As the present becomes the past
We bid farewell to the Goddess and God
This circle of magick is now uncast.
So Mote It Be!
The candles may now be extinguished or burned out.
SarahSVM has been a member of the site for 10 years, since Oct 12, 2014
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Nice circle casting, though all the candles are a bit much. If you want to use them all go for it, but you can trim it down to just the four directions and cast a circle perfectly fine.
Not really. When I started I would have a candle for each quarter as well as three for my altar, but you could use rocks, sand, coloured paper, shells, salt, basically, anything that will help you see the edges of your circle. Personally, unless I have people over, I don't even use markers anymore, I just know where the edges are.
I'm so willing to try this, but are the candles necessary?
Technically, for this one, yes. HOWEVER, you don't need candles to cast a circle, call the corners, honour the deities or cleanse/banish negative energy. Candles when casting circle primarily represent the elements/corners as well as mark the perimeter of the circle. You could switch it out for literally anything else [bowls of water, sand, salt, crystals, coloured fabric, shells, herbs, plants, chalk. Personally, I don't use anything unless I'm having people over] As for the God/Goddess, if you don't work with deities, you can skip that. If you do work with deities, you can you a statue or picture. You could also use something that represents your deity [a cat for Bast, a swan for Brigid, obsidian for Hades, pyrite for Loki so on] as for cleansing/banishing without the candle, you could use salt, incense, blessed water, crystals so on.
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