Phone Call Spell
Exactly what is says, but mainly when your the one always making the first move. This gives the other person a push!
Casting Instructions for 'Phone Call Spell'
You will need the following items for this spell:
- 1 Corded telephone (Old or new, it doesn't matter, and if you can pull it off... purple if you can find one, or any color will do)
- Orange Candle
- Purple Candle
- Come to Me Oil
- Frankincense Oil
- Tape
- Picture of the intended or paper with name and B-Day on it
- Small piece of parchment paper, or regular papr will do
You will need the following items for this spell:
- 1 Corded telephone (Old or new, it doesn't matter, and if you can pull it off... purple if you can find one, or any color will do)
- Orange Candle
- Purple Candle
- Come to Me Oil
- Frankincense Oil
- Tape
- Picture of the intended or paper with name and B-Day on it
- Small piece of parchment paper, or regular papr will do
Bless, cleanse and consecrate your alter and tools used for magick. Dress the PURPLE candle with FRANKINCENSE OIL, and dress the ORANGE candle with COME TO ME OIL. Tape the picture of the intended to the reciever part of the phone (where you can hear ppl talking). Light the candles, and ground and center. Focus on their face, pick up the phone and hold to your ear! Now say:
''(Name) this call I make to you,
To pierce your thoughts, strong and true !!
The first move has always been mine,
So contact me first, its your time !!
Contact me, please pick up your phone,
Fear not coming to my home !!
Thru emails,on networks, via phone text,
Contact me, please do your best !!
This message I send, to start anew,
Contact me, I ask of you !! ''
Place the phone down for a second, but NOT HANGING IT UP! Take the paper, and write your name,address, all your home and cell phone numbers, network info, instant messengers.... all the places the person has knowledge of that he or she may contact you. After you have done this , fold the paper three times. Take the paper, and tape it down to the part of the phone where the dial buttons are! Place the phone down on the hook, and tape the phone shut. (DO THIS BECAUSE IF THE PHONE COMES OFF THE HOOK, IT MAY NOT WORK, AND YOU'LL HAVE TO START OVER!) Concentrate a little more, visualizing a pychic connection being made to the person,and say
''Three times three,power of nine
Over this spell I place a bind,
By my will,it shall be,
The spell is cast,
Note: not one of my favorite I've written, BUT believe it or not the first time I did this, in two weeks me and the other person bumped into each other! The second time, I contacted the person and immediatly they contacted me back... they even came by to visit! Corny written or not... it worked!
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Sounds plausible [if a little confusing in the writing. Needs an edit] I agree with the author's note of patience. If it's important, call them, but if it's not, just wait. I would give this spell 2 weeks to work, then call them.
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