Very Strong Love

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SpellsLove  ► Relationship  ► Very Strong Love
This spell is very powerful, use at your own risk, this will make your lover fall in love with you.

Casting Instructions for 'Very Strong Love'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • None
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • None

Begin by saying the following to the angles.

"Angels of the sky, I summon thee.
Bring (lovers name) back to me.
Make( lovers name) love me forever more.
Make(lovers name) love me until i die.
Make our love powerful and romantic.
Make it last, so mote it be."


Added to on Apr 30, 2014
Last edited on Apr 25, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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This really works!!!

Mar 25, 2019
Hi how long did it take to work?

Mar 29, 2021
how long sweetheart .

I feel this works for a time but you cannot cast a spell to make someone obey you forever, eventually the energy wears off, and if you don't have a strong foundation of love/respect it's completely possible the person will leave you of their own free will. Don't assume a spell will solve your problems forever cuz they won't.

Mar 25, 2019
Hi how long it take to work on person?

Apr 05, 2020
Do you know if a ritual for this should be done

May 10, 2020
Hi. I noticed you have a lot of knowledge. I seek your guidance. I broke up with my ex. I did a spell not to get him back. But for us to heal and help from ancestors for guidance and clarity. Boy did I get clarity. So a few things I learned one from the ancestor via dream and a flood of random articles on Facebook that I was dating a narcissist. I also started to research that spells don't affect narcissist or the have the reverse effect on you. So before I knew all this. I did a spell on him for clear communication and for us to understand what each other is experiencing. So we can get closer and move forward.

May 10, 2020
@Sam it depends on if they like you already. If this is a complete stranger, a love spell will probably fade away with next to no results. If this is someone you share a class with, they may notice you more [but you should try to get to know them] if this is a friend, this will have the best results because you're close, know each other, and they are fond of you. As time goes on the energy will fade [true for all spells. Once you achieve the goal, the energy fades away] if you've build a strong relationship, the end of the spell's effects won't matter. Be observant is really the best advice I can give.

May 10, 2020
@NXY ritual as in circle casting, greeting deities, meditation, cake and ale, then spell? Not unless your deities are love deities you wish to call on during the spell. Otherwise, I would cast a circle, maybe meditate [that's how I get into the right state of mind, others drum, dance or chant] but that's it. Go straight to the spell casting.

May 10, 2020
@Mitu A little confused by what your exact question is, but I'll try my best to answer. If you wish to undo the spell, you can cleanse yourself, do a cord-cutting, or look into a reversal spell. If you're questioning if you should get back together with this person, I wouldn't. I dating a narcissist once, and I've been friends with a few, it never ends well. Unless they're willing to fix their personal flaws and work on self-improvement, I would walk away. They only really care about themselves and how their image looks to others. I've never heard of spells not working on a narcissist, but if you're concerned, cleanse and protect yourself. I also recommend the cord-cutting. All it does is cut the energetic ties between you and the person so you can both heal. Lookup a cord-cutting, but basically, visualize yourself standing before the person and a cord attaching you together [what type of cord, how many, and where it's attached is up to you] then visualize yourself cutting through the cord and it turning to dust. You should then see/feel a hole where the cord was attached to you as well as the other person. Send healing energy to yourself to heal that spot, as well as a healing energy to the other person. This will end and close the spiritual bond, as well as sending healing energy to your ex. I would focus on yourself. If you wish to say a positive goodbye to them [say write a letter and burn it] you can, but narcissists feed off others, so unless they're open to your energy, it won't do much. [that's something else some have to consider, sometimes people are so closed off to a person, a spell will bounce off them. A persons own shields and spiritian guardians can stop a spell, but so can them being completely oblivious]

Jun 28, 2020
The spell didn’t even work for me to begin with I put faith in it and be trying it for almost two weeks now this guy had to like me because he used to follow me around to stores and flirt and even sent the kids over to my house to help him flirt and to make sure I’m outside so he can flirt and when I finally told him I’m in love he pushed me away after he recently got finished chasing me around so I’m not gonna lie I’m thinking these spells are fake and are lies every else on said it worked in 24hrs but yet mine took two weeks and still not showing any results of any kind

Jul 08, 2020
@ babycivic I think you overcast and came on too strong. Say this chant once [chant it for as long as you feel is needed, but don't do it every single day for 2 weeks] the spell was working, if he was flirting and seemed interested, but this person was starting to develop feelings and get to know you, then you sprung a declaration of love on them. Of course, they would run away [also, doing that halted the spell. this one won't work for this guy anymore. I also don't know if a different spell might help since now his subconscious has put up shields to block the energy]

I know but the person I did it to we already had something going on I just wanted it to stay secure

Mar 11, 2019
Wow! So it really worked? Did it work right then, or in a day?

How many time i have complete it?,,,Can i read this daily or specific time?

Nov 15, 2019
your convinient time

yes, its work for me... Thanku ANGELS.

How long does it take to work?

Nov 16, 2019
depends on a number of factors. be observant, keep a journal, and note any changes over the span of a month, you should notice differences indicating how the spell is working [this could also be you getting the urge to talk to the person as well as them talking to you more frequently, or even seeing patterns]

I am casting this now for 6 days each day few times. but does it work to get a person back nm our life who you havent seen for about 11 months? And how many days should i repeat? thank you

It did work. But, I think it faded, so I just cast it again.....will it work twice?

Dec 07, 2019
The reason I think it faded is because I didn't take enough action in time. But I aim to take action now

Dec 16, 2019
How many times did you do it? Everyday? How long does it take to see the effects?

Dec 17, 2019
I used it twice. 1st time it seemed work within 24 hours. Not completely sure if it's worked the 2nd time

Feb 09, 2020
Did this seriously work , and how long did it take to show results?

Hey, I was just wondering if i can use this on people that i don't actually like(potentially hate). So let's say that i asked somebody out and they decided to publicly embarrass me and spread rumors... Would it work if i used such a spell to make her like me just so that i can reject her and socially embarrass her too. I will keep chanting this spell for a week and comeback with the results, A modified spell may be needed.

Jan 02, 2020
Please try not to use magic to get back at people, it's a powerful thing that shouldn't be used for petty revenge. Don't do what she did it only brings bad karma. The energy you put out into the universe will someday return threefold whether it be positive or negative. Please be careful.

So it really working??

For those of you asking ''Does this work'' I can tell you myself that it does work, but it only works for a few weeks. It worked within 24 hours and then stopped working about a month and a half in.

Jan 08, 2020
I'm glad it worked for you. Regarding it wearing off, all spells wear off in time. Eventually, it fulfills its purpose and without you feeding in more energy, it will wear off. If you cast a love spell and in the time the energy wears off don't put forth the effort to build a strong foundation, you will break up. It's not the spells fault. You asked for your crush to ask you out, they did that, the spell is complete. It works this way for all spells [which is why, after receiving a job offer, you aren't sent a new one every week forever]

How soon will it work and for how long will it last I chanting it 3 hours now still going

Jan 19, 2020
I'm still waiting for my ex gf coming back to me please help me get her back

Feb 09, 2020
Did it work for you?

Apr 02, 2020
It worked for me within 24hrs. Focus only on positive energy. And my SP is very consistent now. Dont forget to remain thankful

Did this really work .please help

Apr 28, 2020
Thank you!!! I remembered to thank my ancestors as well as the guardians and elements I asked for help from.

Is there maybe a ritual or just say it few times?

Hello All, This spell was very successful. It is day two. I did this slight tweaks. First day he did text. Today I did it with candles an alter a cleansing bath. Over the repetition of the spell he messaged twice. It far more then the road blocks I have been getting. My concern is since he messaged did the spell met its purpose? Is this the extent of the spell

Thanks I just need a chance to reconnect. The spell worked 2 times. But if he doesn't choose to spend time then I can't fix our relationship.

Oct 20, 2020
I am new to this but what do you mean if he doesn't choose to spend time then U can't fix your relationship? I know it takes two.

Hello , I started doing this spell today I’m just wondering how much I need to say this spell in order for the girl to text me and come back to me , I really like her so much I’ll do anything for her love and affection towards me so please help

Jul 08, 2020
It’s not real please don’t believe the hype read my other comments

Jul 08, 2020
I’m thinking about reporting and putting a spam on this site

Jul 08, 2020
For playing with my emotions and wasting my time

Jul 08, 2020
And half the people that saying it worked for them probably work for this site or what ever people dealing with this and are lying

Dec 14, 2020
Everyone here, please don't believe User58767. The spell worked (she/he/they said it themselves, but just after two weeks, they suddenly said ''I love you!'' to the victim. Of course it wouldn't work that way! Spells double the amount of effort you're putting in, but you still need to do the work yourself. If you don't want to listen, imagine this-You cast a spell for good grades. Will the spell work if you don't write a single letter? Of course it wouldn't! That's how magick works. It makes stuff easier but easy doesn't mean it will not require your own effort to bring out a final product.

Dec 14, 2020
Not every spell will work for every person every time. There are a lot of factors that go into a spell working or not. I'm sorry you have a negative outcome, but the person might have had barriers in place you weren't aware of repelling any castings. You might not have fixed the reason you broke up which would result in the same ending. Perhaps you were meant to find someone else, but by fixating on her you're not learning and growing, thus finding that person you are meant to find. As for your ''everyone who had success works for the site'' I assure you, they don't. The only person[as far as I'm aware] that sees any money is the site owner. Everyone else from admin down to editors [which I am] are doing it voluntarily. We don't get anything for it [actually, it's kind of a thankless job, we help people and get yelled at] There is no reason for us to lie. I hope you're doing better after all this time.

Words cannot describe how thankful I am. I waited patiently for only 2 days and the spell worked. Thank you for bringing him back into my life.

Is this black magic or white??

It never worked for me I put a faith in it and all not sure on how many times or how many days I was supposed to chant those words because I chanted it a pretty good amount of times but the spell never indicated how many times to chant it

Jun 25, 2020
It hurts so when I feel like my time got wasted I’m disappointed

Jun 26, 2020
I’m still chanting the spell every now and then now I’m still trying to hold on to faith please angels I beg you to bring my lost love back to me Thank you in advance angels

Jun 27, 2020
I hate to think that this stuff is fake but what am I’m supposed to think when everyone else on here is saying it works in 24hr but I’ve been waiting about two weeks the reality might be that I have to move on and hope to find someone else but I don’t want nobody else nobody knows the extreme of the pain I’m feeling

Jul 08, 2020
Just because a spell works for one person doesn't mean it will work for everyone. There are a ton of reasons why a spell can fail. Working with the assumption this is a working spell, why it failed for you could be 1. you didn't charge enough energy 2. you didn't focus 3. you cast against the natural flow of energy [casting a spell to bring something towards you when the moon is waning for example. A spell can still work, but you'll need more energy/focus] 4. the person isn't receptive to your spell [they don't like you] 5. you didn't put in any mundane effort to achieve your goal [talk to your crush] 6. the spell worked but you didn't recognize the signs [you wanted them to walk over and ask you out when they were wanting you to start the conversation] 7. you didn't give it enough time to manifest [spells can take days to years to work. A spell of this nature I would give 4-6 weeks before attempting a different spell] 8. you cast too many spells at once and they cancelled each other out 9. you have some energy lingering on you preventing spells from manifesting [negative energy from daily life, subconscious shielding, negative spirit, curse]

This really does work. My crush messages me or comes to visit me everytime I do this spell. I light incense & burn candles to increase my energy levels.Thank you so much for this❤

I believe it works.. (mine started in 2mins)

I cast this spell last night around 22:00 and this morning at around 07:00 sent a text to me responding to something I had said last night, he usually just ignores me.hopefully more will come out of it 🤞fingers crossed

How fast does this work Cause i flet something strong while i chanted the words, then he texted me, how often can i Chant this whitout it losing its effect!?

Hi, is there anything I can do to amplify this spell? This is my first one, any advice?

Aug 27, 2020
If you know how to charge/ground energy, visualize and focus, you should be fine. Just tell yourself it worked and walk around confident it did. Spells take time, so don't expect a knock on your door the next day. It will build, so you might notice the person staring at you, or they're talking to you more. [you might need to ask them out, but observe the situation and do it when you feel it's time] Typically, I give spells one moon cycle to show some result before trying something else. As for amplifying the spell, you could use a pink or red candle, or burn rose incense or other love incense. As for the chant, actually chant. Don't read it once and walk away. Repeat the chant and work into a rhythm, let the energy build until you feel you've said it enough times before releasing it [I usually stomp my foot or clap my hands to symbolically end and release the energy]

i did it a while ago do not do it if you will end up no intrested in the long run!

How do I undo this spell?

Just want to know if this spell interferes with others? As I have had a spell I paid for over 2 weeks ago casted and well still waiting that one to come true but last week I decided to to this one and chanted it one night and the morning of and later during the day my wife had texted me few times and wanted to see how I am etc. I replied back to her nothing since Wednesday. Now with that being said I did not know this spell would have her text me so which glad she did but casted it to just to ensure her love for me still. But just want to make sure I did not mess my other one up. As afraid to do this one again

Is this spell meant to take a lot of your energy as your chanting it?

Will this work for an ex? When is the best time to do it?

How do I know if the spell worked? ;n;

I started this chant last night around 11:00pm. I know that the person I want does have feelings for me he’s just scared of the what if’s. How many times should I say it?

Jan 09, 2021
You should say the chant as many times as you feel fit. You should get lost in the moment and fall into this rhythm. this could be after three repeats you feel it's enough, it might be after thirty, whatever works for you [personally, I feel if you're counting how many times you've said it, your focus isn't on the desired outcome]

did this the night before, got back together the morning after- and he was a jerk. only use it if you know the person i guess-

This really works but I have to do it every day cus it wears off.

I did a jar love spell for my ex can I do it again?

thank u Universe & Angels❤️

I really hope this works!

Does this really work ?

Jun 15, 2021
This depends. The spell is entirely a chant. Words are likely to work in so much as the power and energy we put into them. Honestly? I'd write your own individual and personalized chant. This spell asks one to call on angels and not all may be comfortable with this. A self written chant or another type of love working would succeed far better in my opinion.

Safe to say I still am regretting having thoughts regarding council of romantic common place. Every relationship is special everyone has to have a reason or a list of reasons they are in love with someone. Love is in the air and the contractual consent. Something not withstanding real spell work is lust because lust is fleeting and undermines wholesomeness. This spell has side effect of losing your soul. If you wish to lose your lose soul do a lust ritual. Lust is the effect of holding a certain way. Love is the agreement of parts being one. Angels are not a good conduit of love but of lust. This will create lust that might be acknowledged and cause a reaction. But I do not feel it is a love spell.

This requires an edit. The title is promising a lot. This is just a chant. A chant is only as powerful as you can make it. If you read this off the screen once and nothing else, it will not work. If you do not work with angels, do not call on them. Also, you should try and be specific, saying angels is like saying deities. I would flesh this out and incorporate the chant into an actual spell. As for the chant itself, I am not a fan of the wording. Saying you want someone to love you forever and until you die can be dangerous. Especially if you use too much energy. You could have a stalker on your hands. I know you are in love with this person, but love fades. What if you wake up in ten years and are not longer in love with them? This spell claims they would still love you. You choose to leave because you are no longer happy, how will they feel? What do you think they will do? ''Oh, no, they would never hurt me, they love me!'' Yes, but you love them and you are forcing them to be with you with a spell. I am not trying to be mean. I want people to think before they cast a love spell that includes loving someone forever.

However, all of that said, I highly doubt a chant alone can cast a spell that would last for that long. Especially a love spell. There is a chance it could work as it claims, but it would require more than just you saying a chant. I do see this chant working temporarily if you charge enough energy and contact an angel(angels) to aid you in your casting. But, spells typically fade once the goal is met and the flow of energy ends. As outlined, if you cast correctly, I see this working if they already like you, but I would give it a month or two before it wares off. After that, it will come down to how you built your relationship. If you did not nurture a genuine love, I do not see the relationship lasting.

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