Erectile Dysfunction Hex

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SpellsLove  ► Relationship  ► Erectile Dysfunction Hex
A spell to ensure your husband/boyfriend cannot physically cheat on you.

Casting Instructions for 'Erectile Dysfunction Hex'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Red rope/cord
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Red rope/cord
Cut the cord to the guesstimated length of your husband/boyfriend's member. Tie nine knots while saying:

''With this knot to me you're tied
Only for me shall you rise
Only for me shall you grow
And if wild oats you try to sow
Limp and flaccid you shall be
Until you come back home to me.:


Added to on Nov 09, 2015
Last edited on Mar 06, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Seen a similar version of this spell where you need to put some semen on the rope. Never tried either version of this spell but I've heard it works.

Sep 20, 2019
Nekoshema, I look up to you very much. Please help me understand magic.

May 13, 2021
Nekoshema, Please guide me to understand all this witchy world🙏🏻💫💫

May 13, 2021
Just saw these [sorry PhoenixLover for the long wait] Unfortunately, I don't teach. There are legal reasons [teaching minors without parent's permission] as well as time and energy I don't have to teach. I could link a bunch of resources like YouTubers who have great information. [HearthWitch has a YouTube Channel and she posts tons of amazing content] I don't mind answering questions or giving out resources, but teaching's not for me. Best bet is to join my coven which would grant you access to spells and articles I've posted over the years [granted, I've also edited countless spells and articles on the site, as well as post in the site forums, so you should find plenty to help you] Feel free to mail me if you have questions, but a teacher I am not, sorry.

Jun 07, 2021
Nekoshema, if I don't want to sleep with someone, can changing the spell to this works? ''With this knot I tie you to other girls Only for them shall you rise Only for them shall you grow To me only, Limp and flaccid you shall be Forever and ever.''

Aug 29, 2024
Sorry, I didn't see that response. I suppose you could, but then that's going against two people's free will and gets a little morally murky. Use the person's name to specify them, maybe even a picture or item they own. It would be more potent if this was a consensual casting [hopefully with both parties, but at least one person should permit you. It removes blocks for the energy]

This spell works very well indeed!

Aug 20, 2019
I am going to try this... Do you know of any other spells to keep someone faithful?

Aug 31, 2019
It worked fr you ?

Dec 21, 2019
Umm, I can't get 9 knots on this rope and I'm pretty sure I measured 6 1/14 🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️

how do you remove this hex ?

Jan 17, 2020
Undo the knots and say that you are releasing the person. I would probably burn the cord too and scatter the ashes to the wind saying they may now sew their wild oats.

Could a red ribbon be used?

Would It be possible to do this to a friend as a joke? Is that as impossible as it is extremely weird?

Apr 13, 2020
Bit of a cruel joke, but you could [to undo, you would untie the knot]

This does work amazing

I was wondering what you do with the tied up knot when you're done doing the spell.

Oct 08, 2020
I was thinking the same! Did you find out?

What should be done with the rope after casting the spell? Should it be burnt? Buried?

Dec 23, 2020
You have to where in on you, in your bra or something,

Would this work on someone you used to be with? Or just you currently be in a relationship with them?

Jan 04, 2021
It should work, you don't need to be with the person. You just need to wait for rumours to see if it worked. [if it was your current boyfriend, you can find out yourself]

@PheonixLover Why don't you try emailing nekoshema?

@Seven_Knots : After i've done with this spell wht i have to do with the red rope..?

May 13, 2021
Keep it in a safe location where it won't be disturbed. Untying the knot releases the magick.

Can this hex be placed on someone else, to send them away. In order to protect another individual?

This appears to be a working knot spell, but I would advise to only cast if it is justified. I have heard these types of spells can backfire if you are doing them for fun and not for justice.

Did this spell the other day and it does work. However, I did lose the knotted yarn in the store! Do I need to redo this or is it alright just like it is? He has been by my side the whole time but I'm not getting the intimacy like I thought I would from him. What do I do?

Apr 12, 2023
You need to undo the knot to undo the spell. Since the chant says he needs to be loyal to you in order for intimacy, I'd argue this is either the universe teaching you a lesson, or he's not as invested in you as he once was. Not saying he's cheating, but he could be questioning the relationship [and telling him about the spell will certainly push him to break up] You could try cleansing and a reversal spell, but I feel you should take this time to reflect on your actions and the relationship. This feels like the divine teaching you something.

Update: even though I lost the yarn and didn't think at first that my love would be attentive to me, he has been and he's stayed by my side since. Sometimes your full results do get deferred. Everything is good!

Does this work if their addicted to porn?

Apr 29, 2023
In theory. I would specify porn in the chant. [but I would also not cast on someone unless they came to you for help with this issue]

Do I tie the knots around ''him'' then take it off and keep it in a safe place?

Aug 03, 2023
no. It's not supposed to be tied around the target.

Could this backfire on me somehow?? been thinking about trying this one on my bf just to fuck with his gf but I don't want it backfiring

Aug 29, 2024
Swearing is against site rules [bleeping the word out counts too] please see the site rules before posting [there's a zero-tolerance policy and your account can get gagged for rule violations] as for your question, while I've never cast this spell [it does work] but from what I've heard, if you don't have a good reason, these types of spells typically backfire hard. Don't ask me why, but the universe is about balance, and casting spells for malicious reasons tend to bite you back. Erectile disfunction and miscarriage spells are the two that will turn on you if you're casting for vengeful/petty reasons. I've heard that warning from multiple witches who offer to teach/cast these types of spells. They work better for protection. You suspect them of cheating or know they cheated on you. If you're the other person in the relationship, are bored, or just want to get back at an ex who dumped you, there's a greater chance of it backfiring. Weigh your option and do what you feel is best [I would recommend cleansing and protection if you do cast this or any baneful work to clear away any extra negative energy and to protect yourself from any blowback. It won't prevent all the energy from a backfire, but it will soften the blow]

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