Soulmate Spell

SpellsLove  ► Sexual  ► Soulmate Spell
This is a spell to find your soulmate or draw a certain person to you.
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Boline or other knife
  • Violet flower juice*
  • Passion fruit or strawberry juice*
  • Patchouli incense
  • Red pillar candle
  • Blue, orange, white, pink, and black small pillar candle
  • Two pieces of red or pink paper
  • Black pen, red pen, or dove’s blood ink
  • Four of your own hair strands
  • Lavender or Jasmine oil
  • Cauldron with a lid or something to snuff a big fire out
  • Lavender herb
  • Damiana herb
  • Marjoram herb
  • Calendula (Marigold) flower and/or saffron
  • Dried or fresh rose petals

Casting Instructions for 'Soulmate Spell'


Do this on a Friday at the hour of Venus (1 in the morning, 8 in the morning, 3 in the afternoon, or 10 at night).


Cast circle, light incense, light all other candles you own except for the red, blue, orange, white, pink, and black pillar.

Carve into red candle: X Carve into pink candle: X and then include your planetary ruler and your zodiac sign (Aquarius, etc) Cover the candle from bottom to wick in violet flower juice, then cut passion fruit or strawberry and write the word ‘SOULMATE’ on the candle with the juice. Drop or rub some of the passion fruit or strawberry juice on the pink candle, then light both. As they burn, get one piece of paper and write down love sigils and pentacles and the horned God and the triple Goddess symbol and triqueta symbol. Place two of your hairs in the middle of the paper and place it in the cauldron; light it with the red and pink candle flame. Chant:




"“I will find my soulmate. As the paper and candles burn, so will my soulmate’s love for me. The hairs show that I am in this with my mind. The violet juice shows that I am in this with my body, and the passion fruit or strawberry juice shows that I am in this with my heart.” "



As it burns, toss in all herbs, but be careful in not letting the flame burn out yet. Drip some wax from the candles onto the burning paper. Light the blue, orange, white, and black candles with the red candle and place the pink candle and these candles into the cauldron with the burning herbs and paper. Place them in this order: blue, pink, black, orange, white. Chant:


"“Blue for emotions and loyalty. Pink for sweetness and eternal love. “Black to repel negativity that may come up in the relationship. “Orange is for the friendship we will have together. “And the white is the sacred and pure love we have together.”"



Let the candles melt completely, throwing in more herbs if desired to keep the fire going. If the fire starts to spark, make sure you’re not around any flammable material and it doesn't’t get on you. Carefully add the essential oil to the fire, oil makes fire stay longer and the flame can get bigger. Cast the other two hair strands in the fire.



Repeat: "“I will find my soulmate. As the paper and candles burn, so will my soulmate’s love for me. The hairs show that I am in this with my mind. The violet juice shows that I am in this with my body, and the passion fruit or strawberry juice shows that I am in this with my heart.”"



Snuff out the candles (do not blow them out, that blows away the spirits that are helping you). Use your fingers wettened by water or saliva to snuff them or use a snuffer or something of the sort. Place the lid on your cauldron to make the fire burn out. Once it’s burnt out, pour remaining wax from the red candle over the burnt paper and oil and herbs and other candles. On the other piece of paper, draw a pentacle in a double ring with the word - - at the top, -PHUL- at the bottom, - - at the left and -HAGITH- at the right side. In the star, draw in the middle a Hagith sigil. Under the left arm of the star, draw the Och sigil, under the right, draw the Phul sigil. In the top of the star, draw a sign. In the left leg, draw a in the right leg, draw a . In between the legs, draw your zodiac sign with your planetary ruler underneath. Take rose petals, second piece of paper, and your cauldron outside. Dig a small hole and place some rose petals down first, then placed what was burnt in the cauldron on top, then place the second piece of paper on top of it and bury it.

*To make it way more about your heart and body, replace passion fruit or strawberries with your blood and violet flowers with your sexual fluids. To attract a certain person, replace soulmate with that person’s name. E.g: “So-and-so will come to me. As the paper and candles burn, so will so-and-so’s love for me. The hairs show that I am in this with my mind. The violet juice shows that I am in this with my body, and the passion fruit or strawberry juice shows that I am in this with my heart.” Also, if you’re trying to attract a certain person, with the pentacle, draw their zodiac sign on top of the left arm, and over the right arm, draw their planetary ruler and write their birthday on the back of the paper and/ or get a picture of them and burn it with the herbs and first piece of paper. If you need to know anything about the spell (what your planetary ruler is, etc) please message me.


Added to on Mar 30, 2016
Last edited on Mar 30, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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So Powerful, I'm going to try this spell, Next week, If i have the whole ingredients now. any Suggestions and Advice? This spell is One of the Best edit and content, so far. Now I've already printed this spell. Thank you, Author

Sep 05, 2022
Did it work

I never believed in Spells or Magic until I met this special spell caster called James Hydrick ,The woman i wanted to marry left me 3 months to our weeding ceremony and my life was turned upside down. she was with me for 5 years and i really love her so much..she left me for another man with no reasons..when i called her she never picked up my calls and she don't want to see me around her…so,when i told James Hydrick what happened he helped me with some readings,and after the readings he told me that the other man has done some spells on my woman and that is the reason why she left me..he told me he will help me cast a love spell to bring her back. At first i was skeptical but i just gave it a try…In 2 days,she called me herself and came to me apologizing..I cant believe she can ever come back to me again but now i am happy she's back and we are married now and we live as a happy family..Am posting this to the forum if anyone needs the man’s him through his website: divinespell.weebly. com

Feb 07, 2025
Scam comment is scam.

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