Spell of Adonis

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SpellsSpiritual  ► Attractive  ► Spell of Adonis
A spell to make you as handsome, or as sought-after, as the god Adonis.

Casting Instructions for 'Spell of Adonis'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Magic
  • Belief in the Greek God Adonis
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Magic
  • Belief in the Greek God Adonis




"Lord Adonis, by your hands
Nature's beauty, through Earth it spans
God-like beauty, it does astound
With one look, shall Gaiea's daughters be bound
Give me beauty such as this
So no woman can resist
May my looks be be brilliant, so all may see
By my utterance, so shall it be."


Added to on Mar 23, 2013
Last edited on Jul 15, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Thanks, I have done the spell, I will update you to get to know if it worked or not.

Aug 12, 2019
@Al1 Did it work?

Aug 12, 2019
@Elliot, this sounds like a simple illusion spell, it would make strangers notice you are more attractive, but not physically transform you. try it yourself and record your results [although i should point out Adonis wasn't a god, but a mortal lover of two goddesses, but it shouldn't matter too much since you're calling on the archetype, overall this spell should work] for added effect i would say this chant before you do some physical improvement [like before going to a gym, or washing your face] it would stir up the energy and charge it for that specific purpose to speed the results manifesting

So, At the end of your theories, This spell Will work or not?

This could cast a glamour, but I would incorporate it into a beauty routine for better results.

I've Cast a Glamours similar to this with the goddess Aphrodite. It works, making others more attracted and even boost my own Self attraction

Aug 10, 2022
usually use glamours with Essential oils and A Enchantment .

God, by your hands Nature's beauty, through Earth it spans God-like beauty, it does astound Give me beauty such as light So no woman can resist May my looks be be brilliant, so all may see By my utterance, so shall it be.''

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