Staircase Ritual
Im not totally sure where The Staircase Ritual originated; its credited on most creepypasta repositories to someone going by the name CousinSpookyNoodles, but the site on which it was found is never specified. In any event, though, this one is long and involved, so its best not to undertake it unless you can devote at least two days to it including an uninterrupted 13-hour stretch for the second half. Its not quite an exorcism, but if youve got something weird going on in your home, itll help contain it by banishing it to the first floor. It also places a series of obstacles either slowing down or stopping whatever might be plaguing you from making its way from the first floor to the second. Youll have to face it eventually, though, so be prepared for a fight.
As always, play at your own risk.
As always, play at your own risk.
You will need the following items for this spell:
- 1 staircase with no fewer than 11 steps, but no more than 16 (excluding landings). A staircase with 12 or 13 steps is ideal.
- 1 small, portable, battery-operated fan.
- 1 glass of water.
- 1 handful of dirt.
- 1 candle.
- Matches or a lighter.
- As old a picture of the land on which your home currently stands as you can find.
- 1 picture of your home as it is today.
- 1 pair of six-sided dice. 2 timekeeping devices. Analog is preferable, but digital will work in a pinch.
- 1 food offering. It must be an animal or animal byproduct.
- 1 mirror.
- 1 handful of ash.
- 2 to 3 dust bunnies.
- 1 small living creature. An insect is ideal.
- 1 fingernail, lock of hair, or other token plucked from your own body. It is not recommended that blood be used.
- Salt.
- 1 sharp object, preferably made of silver.
- 1 principal
Casting Instructions for 'Staircase Ritual'
Candle Colors
Ritual Kit

Ritual Kit
SpellsOfMagic has a huge online store, supplying you with any and all your occult and new age needs.
1.Begin in the afternoon. Make note of the precise time at which you commence.
2.Stand at the bottom of the staircase. Speak aloud the words, It is from here whenceforth I shall commence.
3.On the first step, place the small fan. Recite, Here is the air that mortal breathes.
4.On the second step, place the glass of water. Recite, Here is the water that mortal drinks.
5.On the third step, spread the handful of dirt, covering as much of the step as possible. Recite, Here is the earth on which mortal stands.
6.On the fourth step, place the unlit candle, laying the matches or lighter next to it. Recite, Here is the fire that burns mortals hands.
7.On the fifth step, place the old picture of your home. Recite, Here is the time that has come to pass.
8.On the sixth step, place the current picture of your home and roll the dice beside it. Recite, Here is the present and the die is cast.
9.On the seventh step, place one of your timekeeping devices. Recite, Here comes the future, the time ticks by now.
10.On the eighth step, place your food offering. Recite, Here is the offering for Devils mouth.
11.On the ninth step, place the mirror. Recite. Here is my image, in Gods likeness I trust. NOTE: This phrase must be repeated word for word and without hesitation, regardless as to the religion of the principal.
12.On the tenth step, place the handful of ash and the dust bunnies. Recite, Here is mortality, ashes and dust.
13.On the eleventh step, place your living creature. It must be alive, and it must not be able to escape. Recite, Here is a life I present unto thee.
14.On the twelfth step, place the token from your body. Recite, And here is the essence extracted from me.
15.On the final step or landing, draw a line of salt. Recite, No further than here.
16.Leave your objects in place on the staircase overnight.
Do NOT proceed if anything seems amiss the next day (see: Additional Notes). If all is well, however, proceed as follows:
The Main Event:
1.Evacuate all occupants of the house except the principal. Gather up your sharp object and your second timekeeping device. Keep these items with you at all times.
2.Begin at the precise time you commenced the Prelude. Stand the bottom of the staircase. Plant your feet. Do not move.
3.After an hour has passed, mount the first step and turn on the fan. Face the top of the staircase. Plant your feet. Do not move. Do not turn around or look behind you.
4.After the second hour has passed, mount the second step. Drink the entire glass of water. Face the top of the staircase. Plant your feet. Do not move. Do not turn around or look behind you.
5.After the third hour has passed, mount the third step, making sure both of your feet are in or on the dirt spread across it. Face the top of the staircase. Plant your feet. Do not move. Do not turn around or look behind you.
6.After the fourth hour has passed, mount the fourth step. Take up the lighter or matches and light the candle. Make sure it does not go out. Face the top of the staircase. Plant your feet. Do not move. Do not turn around or look behind you.
7.After the fifth hour has passed, mount the fifth step. Use the candle from the fourth step to burn the old picture of your home. Once the picture is unrecognizable or burned completely to ash, blow the candle out. Face the top of the staircase. Plant your feet. Do not move. Do not turn around or look behind you. A.NOTE: It may be helpful to hold the candle during step 6 and carry it with you to step 7. At NO POINT should you turn around or look behind you.
8.After the sixth hour has passed, mount the sixth step. Take up the current picture of your home and rip it as many times as indicated by the roll of the dice, but do not allow it to fall to pieces. Face the top of the staircase. Plant your feet. Do not move. Do not turn around or look behind you.
9.After the seventh hour has passed, mount the seventh step. Turn the clock forward as many hours as indicated by the roll of the dice on the previous step. Do NOT turn the clock backwards. Face the top of the staircase. Plant your feet. Do not move. Do not turn around or look behind you.
10.After the eighth hour has passed, mount the eighth step. Take a bite of the food offering and swallow it. Do NOT allow your face to betray any dislike or disgust. Show as much enjoyment as you can. Face the top of the staircase. Plant your feet. Do not move. Do not turn around or look behind you.
11.After the ninth hour ends, mount the ninth step. Pick up the mirror and look into it, focusing on your own face. Do NOT look at anything other than your face, no matter what might try to catch your eye. Face the top of the staircase. Plant your feet. Do not move. Do not turn around or look behind you.
12.After the tenth hour has passed, smash the mirror and mount the tenth step. Use your sharp object to bring forth a fresh drop of your blood. Allow the drop to fall on the pile of ashes and dust. Face the top of the staircase. Plant your feet. Do not move. Do not turn around or look behind you.
13.After the eleventh hour has passed, mount the eleventh step. Kill the insect. Face the top of the staircase. Plant your feet. Do not move. Do not turn around or look behind you.
14.After the twelfth hour has passed, mount the twelfth step. Take up the token plucked from your body and swallow it whole. Face the top of the staircase. Plant your feet. Do not move. Do not turn around or look behind you.
15.After the thirteenth hour has passed, mount the final step. Keep your sharp object close.
The Ending:
1.Turn around.
Good luck.
Additional Notes:
The instructions detailed here are designed for a home in which the occupants sleep on the second floor. If, however, you sleep on the first floor, simply reverse the instructions that is, begin the ritual on the top step and work your way towards the bottom, rather than starting at the bottom and working your way to the top.
If you do not have a staircase, you may still perform the ritual using a long hallway. In the case of a hallway, mark the division between each step at regular intervals with a line of salt. Not NOT perform this ritual in a room. Do NOT perform it outside. Do NOT perform it in any small, enclosed spaces.
The Main Event does not necessarily have to be performed on the day immediately following the Prelude, but its recommended that it be performed as soon as possible. The more trips you or any other occupants of your home take up or down the staircase, the weaker the twelve obstacles in place will become; furthermore, depending on the strength of your unwelcome guest, they may not hold for more than a few nights to begin with.
If, after the Prelude, you return to the staircase to find any of the objects disturbed, do NOT proceed. Similarly, if you wake during the night or have nightmares while you sleep, do NOT proceed. If anything out of the ordinary occurs between the time when you complete the Prelude and begin the Main Event, DO NOT PROCEED. Instead, perform the following:
To Abort the Ritual:
Place a ring of salt around each item on the staircase, around your bed, and around the bed of any other occupants in your home. Leave them overnight. In the morning, remove the objects from your home.
Destroy them by any means necessary.
LadyElliot has been a member of the site for 10 years, since Mar 25, 2015
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