The Shoe-Box Telephone
CAUTION: This is a magical ritual that calls upon the dead to communicate. This is for information purposes only. Should you choose to attempt this ritual, be warned that this is not a game and any results, both good and bad, may be long lasting, disturbing and possibly dangerous.
Ritual is not mine.
Ritual is not mine.
You will need the following items for this spell:
- Your phone booth: a closet will do.
- Your handset: a paper cup.
- Your telephone box: the titular shoe-box.
- Your telephone wire: just a regular string (the sewing kind). About 2 to 4 feet should be enough. Youll need a needle too.
- Scissors.
- Some strong object to power the telephone box with; it must have a personal connection to whomever youre trying to talk to. This is very important.
- A single sheet of paper, a pen, and some sort of flat surface to write on.
Casting Instructions for 'The Shoe-Box Telephone'
Ritual Kit

Ritual Kit
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Step 1: Wait for the end of your day, right before bed time. For now its just you and the night, just you and your thoughts, alone in your room. Dont turn off the lights but do turn off your cellphone, your TV, your stereo, radio, computer, etc. You want zero distractions, and absolutely no interruptions. You want quiet. Then just wait for the right time. Whats the right time? Its one of those things that are hard to describe but youll just know it when you see it. Youll just know. It may build up gradually, but when its finally there itll hit you, zero doubt. Only at this point may you begin writing your letter. If this threshold of certainty never comes within an hour, just go to sleep and try again the next night. If youve been trying for three or four nights already and the moment just never comes, then it may simply be that youre not ready for this. Thats okay. Try a different person, or give yourself a break for a few nights. What you dont want to do is write your letter while in doubt. Thatd be a wrong number.
Step 2: Now write your letter. When you do begin writing dont erase nor correct any mistakes you make (this includes scrawling words over; dont). Dont start over either. You only have a single sheet of paper and your first draft is your final draft. Explain to this person why they should give you a ring. Be honest. Let it all out. Its not always easy. Dont over think it, just write. This is why you had to wait for the right time. Itll all make sense. Again, doubt = wrong number. Never dial a wrong number; its best to abort the whole thing.
Step 3: When youre done tie one end of the string to the power object, and using a needle, insert the other end through the center of the bottom of your paper cup. Remove the needle, tie a little knot, and now you have a cute little paper telephone like you probably once made while you were a child. Dont prepare this ahead of time before your letter. Write the letter first, THEN do the paper cup.
Step 4: Read your letter aloud, into the paper cup. Read it sincerely as if the person at the other end could hear you, including all the mistakes you didn't correct. Just read them. This is your outbound call.
Step 5: Place the object and letter in the shoe-box, and place the shoe-box on the floor of your phone booth, your closet. Then close the box but dont seal it -just let the lid rest there gently, with the string still coming out from under and going to your paper cup. Leave the paper cup standing on top of the box. Leave the scissors on the floor next to the box.
Youre done. Now all thats left to do is to wait for the ring.
The inbound call:
Step 1: The ring will come in a dream, either that night, or some night shortly after. You will dream of the person trying to call you, and you will wake up from that dream, usually in the middle of the night, and you will know its time to take the call.
Step 2: DO NOT turn on the light. DO NOT say a word. Just get up from the bed and go to your phone booth. Is the box still closed, with the paper cup standing on top? Good, get in the closet, sit down, and slide the door closed ( a closed booth is particularly important in case the ring comes after sunrise, because youll need the darkness). If you find the box open, or if you find the paper cup knocked over, abort the mission and snap off the string. Do not take that headset anywhere near your ear. Use the scissors if you cant snap the thread with your own hands.
Step 3: Otherwise just sit on the floor there and press the paper cup to your ear and cover your other ear with your other hand to help you listen. It may take a while. You may not speak. Dont move too much. Do not touch the box.
Some people report an increase in call quality after tugging on the string ever so gently.This is fine but just be careful NOT TO OPEN THE BOX by doing so. Remember theyre calling collect, and if it goes through, that shoe box must remain closed for at least a few months. Again, you may not speak, not even if you are asked questions, not even if youre ordered to. You already said your piece at the outbound call. For the inbound one just listen. Avoid noise. When youre done (or if you want to hang up at any time), simply hold the box lid closed with one hand, and pull on the headset with the other hand until the string snaps off. In case of emergency, use the scissors. Keep the closed shoe box somewhere safe for a few months. Dispose of that paper cup later too. Burning is fine, just dont put it to your ear again.
What if after three or four nights the ring never comes? Maybe they have nothing to say to you. Thats okay. Try another person. Dont do this too often.
Disclaimer: This may help you get closure, but it could also make things worse.
LadyElliot has been a member of the site for 10 years, since Mar 25, 2015
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