Charm a Protective Necklace

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SpellsSpiritual  ► Defense  ► Charm a Protective Necklace
This is a quick and easy spell way to make a protective amulet.

Casting Instructions for 'Charm a Protective Necklace'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • The necklace you wish to charm.
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • The necklace you wish to charm.
Take the necklace and hold it in your power hand (the hand that you write with.) Vizualise a bright warm light around it. Now imagine a force field around you warding off evil. Say: ''I call upon the universe, to make this my protective charm. When ever I where it, I shall endure no harm.'' Imagine the light soaking into the necklace, and then you're done!


Added to on Jul 29, 2012
Last edited on Jan 22, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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How do I know if it worked?

May 11, 2019
Well, it mostly let bad things happened less, so the chance bad things happened are less then normal unless it happened by other person(curse or harm spell) or it happened by yourself(sometime bad emotion attract bad things), it also protect you from evil and things want to hurt you(most of them).Sorry my english is not very good so.... forgive me if i have bad grammar or say something wrong.

would it work with a bracelet?

Jun 23, 2019
yes, follow the same only, you can add for balance maybe with a crystal or 2.

would this work if you gave the neclace to another person?

Jul 29, 2019
once an object is infused with energy you can give it to someone and it will work for them. the energy will slowly wear off over time, but it's attuned to the blessing, the only reason it wouldn't work for another person is if the caster didn't charge the energy properly.

Can I put multiple charms on the same object or will it cancel out?

Dec 25, 2020
Yes, but I would either stick with one, or add them one at a time because the energy can get fuzzy and muddled if you throw it all together. It's like cooking, and you add beef, carrots, skittles, salad dressing and mangoes. On their own, they're fine, and some might work together, but all together, it'll become a giant mess. Find one or two that work together and go with that [luck and love, or protection and healing]

can it be any necklace? Can it be a ring too?

can I do it with earrings instead of a necklace?

Jun 03, 2024
Yes. You can enchant anything with any energy to attract/repel what you want. You can choose your clothes with specific colours in mind to attract that energy for the day [orange for confidence, pink for love, green for money] of course, don't go overboard, colour coding your socks is enough.

Can I use a mood ring

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