Drawing Spirits

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SpellsSpiritual  ► Enchanting  ► Drawing Spirits
What happens is you have to draw a meaning-full drawing and after the enchantment you sense your drawing's spirit! If you opened your third eye you can see your spirit!

Casting Instructions for 'Drawing Spirits'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Red, yellow, and green candle
  • Drawing, meaningful
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Red, yellow, and green candle
  • Drawing, meaningful

First place your drawing infront of you. Next you place the red candle to your right, the white infront of you, and the gren on the left. Light them then chant," Gods and Goddess please grant my wish and bring my drawing to life."

Then pour the white candle wax on the head, the red on the heart, and the green on the feet. Then switch the candles around with red on top, and green on right, and white on left.

Chant the same thing then pour red first on the heart, green at the feet, white on the head.
Repeat the chant and switch the candles with green on top and you know the drill. And after each time you put the wax on the drawing, place your hands on the paper and connect with the drawing. 


Added to on Sep 11, 2013
Last edited on Apr 25, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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This sounds like a servitor, but with a few more steps. IF you mean the drawing vanishes and becomes a spirit, no. If you mean you pool your energy in the form of your drawing, that would be a servitor, thoughtform or tulpa, among other names. If you are interested, try it, it sounds plausible. Be aware your drawing will not physically come to life.

May 17, 2022
But can this work with LED candles ????

May 18, 2022
Unless you need to use the fire to burn items, candles are used to represent the element of fire. You can use LED candles for any spell, provided the spell does not require the use of the flame, or to let the candle burn out to release the spell. This spell wants you to anoint the drawing with the wax from each candle. So, no, this specific spell would require actual candles.

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