Enchant a Person

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SpellsSpiritual  ► Enchanting  ► Enchant a Person
This spell makes a person become enchanted with you.

Casting Instructions for 'Enchant a Person'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • pencil crayon (orange)
  • candle (small and orange)
  • paper
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • pencil crayon (orange)
  • candle (small and orange)
  • paper
Take a piece of white paper and hold the orange pencil crayon (or just normal crayon, or orange marker) in your hand and close your eyes.

Think about the person you want to enchant. This person will become enchanted with you, think about what this means and what it is you want them to do. Then, with your eyes still closed, begin to draw a picture of them doing what you want them to do.

While drawing say the following three times:

Become enchanted with my name,
For my spirit and body your heart will flame,
Do what I wish and what I ask
Do what I command, every task.
And when all is done and all is tame
Let it vanish, this burning flame.

Now, open your eyes and light the candle. The candle need only be orange, the shape does not matter. Burn the piece of paper over the candle and collect the ashes.

When the target of your spell touches the ashes they will become enchanted with you and do whatever you wish. The more ashes they touch the stronger the enchantment.


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how are you supposed to get the person to touch the ashes?

Feb 18, 2021
chuck it at them

Draw as in? With eyes closed?

This spell is odd. An enchantment is typically for objects. You could enchant a person by definition, but normally you cast over someone. You bless someone, send healing energy, curse them, so on. You enchant an object to attract or repel a situation. For instance, a good luck charm or protection pendant. You can cast a spell over someone, you do not really enchant them.

As for the spell itself, I fail to see its purpose. This sounds like you are hypnotizing them to obey you, which would not work. Hypnosis requires you to induce a specific state. Within this state, your target will be more likely to obey your commands, but not fully without question. There are some limitations. You can cast over someone, but not to make them obey you unconditionally. At best, you can cast a spell to make them think of you. Certain love spells can make someone obsessed with you and can result in a stalker. Do not expect to control some with a spell, that will never happen. Spells effect the Magik around a person to bring a desired change. It does this by vibrating at a frequency which attracts/repels the thing you hope to achieve.

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