Very Strong Love

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SpellsSpiritual  ► Enchanting  ► Very Strong Love
Chocolate is said to be an aphrodisiac, a mild euphoric, and helps to heal depression. It is therefore extremely effective in love potions and spells. In this spell two ingredients are brought together to help you to enchant your loved one.Strawberries are well known as lovers’ fruits.

Casting Instructions for 'Very Strong Love'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Strawberry incense
  • Pink candles
  • A plate of strawberries
  • Melted chocolate
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Strawberry incense
  • Pink candles
  • A plate of strawberries
  • Melted chocolate

Be very clear in your own mind what you want to happen before you start. Be aware that it is not right to influence the other person against their will or their natural inclinations.You should use this spell to prepare the ground for true relationship.

Light the candles and the incense. Dip each strawberry in the chocolate. As you do so, visualize you and the other person together enjoying one anothers company, becoming closer and so on. Say the words below (or something similar) as you prepare the fruit:

"Lover, lover, come to me
And even then you shall be free
To come, to go just as you please
Until to stay your heart decrees".

Do be aware that you have not put a time limit on this so if you cannot handle such an open relationship choose different words. As you enjoy the fruit together be prepared to take responsibility for what occurs.

This spell can be quite powerful, particularly if you use the same pink candles when your lover arrives.Strawberries and chocolate both come under the rulership of Venus the Goddess of Love, though there is a belief that Jupiter also has a connection with strawberries.


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Last edited on Apr 08, 2018
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