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SpellsSpiritual  ► Enchantment  ► Enchantment
Simple ways to enchant items.

Casting Instructions for 'Enchantment'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Item you want to enchant
  • Charged crystal
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Item you want to enchant
  • Charged crystal

For the first enchantment method, get your item and a charged crystal. Use different crystals for different intents, rose quartz for attraction, etc. Circle your item with the crystal in a clockwise direction while chanting your intent; "I am viewed as more attractive," "I am wise," etc.

Walk around your item and chant your intent. Kiss it and focus on your intent; great for love related items. Step on it and chant your intent; great for destruction.


Added to on Feb 02, 2017
Last edited on Nov 08, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Can we charge Crystal's and use it to enchant

Oct 03, 2022

Can enchant a crystal with multiple purposes? And how often do you need to recharge/re-enchant?

Sep 26, 2024
Yes, but keep them relevant [abundance and money or healing and self-love] otherwise the energy becomes muddy and will cancel each other out. For now, I'd focus on one thing and connect with the crystal. [meditate with the crystal and record anything you feel/sense, place it under your pillow and record your dreams, carry it with you and record if you notice any changes in your daily life] I'd also research the crystal and play to its magickal properties. Recharge/enchant the crystal when you feel the energy fade. Crystals aren't my thing [I collect them, but I rarely spiritually connect with them] but a simple rule is on the full moon, or when you notice a change in the energy. [Like if you charge it with money energy and after a month, you went from finding 5$ a week and getting regular overtime, to nothing, it's a sign the crystal needs to be recharged] The best way to tell is to connect with the crystal. Trust me, it's very tempting to buy all the shiny things, but it's better to start with one and work your way up [I own about 50 different crystals. The only ones I feel any connection with is maybe 7, and of those 4 are probably just aesthetic]

This could be fleshed out into an article. It is a simple explanation of how to charge a crystal with your intention. It can be done with any object. As SourApple mentioned, research the crystal. There are some generic ones like clear quartz which can be used for basically anything. However, different items have different natural Magikal properties. You can use clear quartz for self love, but rose quartz already has love energy associated with it. I would also recommend researching the crystal as they might have different attributes and care. Selenite dissolves in water is brittle. I would not kiss it, despite being a powerful cleansing/healing crystal. If you chose to charge a crystal in the sun, some crystals could fade, or even run the risk of magnifying the rays. Moldavite is another powerful crystal that can completely overhaul your life. If you want gradual change, do not use moldavite. Overall, good post. I would suggest meditating with the crystal to feel the energy. This will help you connect with it.

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