Guardian Angel Spell

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SpellsSpiritual  ► Energy  ► Guardian Angel Spell
Spell to summon your guardian angel for your protection.
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • White candle
  • Small white or clear crystal
  • Small velvet or cloth bag to place the crystal in

Casting Instructions for 'Guardian Angel Spell'


Prepare your casting circle, altar and any equipment.
Dim the lights very low or turn them off completely, light the candle, and set the
crystal and the bag in front of the candle.

Begin by taking a quiet moment, with your eyes closed and your body still, to
concentrate and summon all your power and energy from the universe around you.
Take a deep breath in, and let it out slowly, feeling your power grow inside you and
spread throughout your body, and into your arms and legs.

You are going to use the crystal as a magical magnet to attract a Guardian Angel spirit
to watch over you. Angel spirits need to be regularly re-attracted with the crystal
magnet otherwise they can get bored or tired or distracted and wander off.
First you have to visualise the power of the crystal as a magnet.

With the candle alight, hold the crystal in front of the candle about 2-3 feet away so
you can see the flame through the crystal.

See the light flickering behind the crystal, flowing through the crystal and sparkling
and dancing around the room. This is the magical magnetic power in its visible form.

Watch as it moves and flows and ebbs, and feel the power washing over you.

Once you can feel the magical energy, recite the following to begin to release the
power of the crystal magnet:


"Crystal magnet in the candle light,
Your powers so strong, your magic so bright,
Release your energy to the universe wide,
And draw a Guardian Angel here to my side."


At this point, move closer to the candle flame so the light becomes brighter and
stronger, and the sparkles and reflections of the light through the crystal are clearer
and more powerful.

Turn the crystal in the light to find the best angle to express the magnetic and magical
energies. See if you can get the light to cast mystical shadows on the walls, and then
see if you can see any meaningful shapes or signs in the light patterns.

Recite the chant above again, twice more, each time moving a little closer to the

By now any nearby Angel spirits will have been attracted to you by the crystal and
the magic in the room, so it is time to command them to watch over you.


"Guardian Angels who be here with me,
I command thee to watch me and keep me safe,
Blessed with luck and gifted with success,
So mote it be."


Close your eyes and take a moment to visualise your wishes and desires, and the
intended outcome of your spell. Make bright, sharp, vivid and loud pictures in your
mind to see exactly what you want to happen.

Place the crystal into the bag you have, blow out the candle and the spell is complete.

Carry the crystal with you to keep the Guardian Angel with you.


Added to on Nov 11, 2015
Last edited on Jul 11, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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I know everyone's beliefs differs but I believe that when you are born you are asigned with an Angel and a Spirit guide. No, I'm not a religious person but I speak out of my own experiences where I really believe someone was there, spiritually, to protect me.

Jul 25, 2024
That is one belief. I don't believe in that, but I do believe some spirits watch you. [some from birth, others you meet along the way] but I don't believe you're assigned an angel and a spirit from birth [mainly because I don't work with angels and I've got a personal aversion to working with angels] Our ancestors are one part of our spiritual team that watches over us from birth, but they weren't assigned. They're the ones who came before who have a spiritual connection to us. As we grow, we can choose who we want to work with. Even if your great-grandfather has been with you since birth, if they were an awful person you don't feel comfortable around, you don't need to keep them on your spiritual team. [I've got a whole family line of just the worst type of people I've told to leave me alone. one side of my family is amazing and I work with them, but one specific line of ancestors I met with them in a meditation and told them flat out I want nothing to do with them because they're just awful. There's only 1 person I might want to work with because I have some fondness for them, but also, just the worst. They just happen to have the most incredible life story. Like if Florence Nightengale and Lizzy Bordon were the same person] So, yes, spirits are watching over us, but what ones you choose to work with and what type of spirit, that's more UPG

This is close, but it requires an edit. Not everyone works with angels, but we have a spiritual team that watches over and guides us, so what I am about to say applies to any spirit you work with. You do not summon or command your guardians. Angels, deities, demons, fairys, whatever. They watch over and guide you. You talk to them like any loved ones. There is a level of respect and specific beings may require something more ritualistic, especially at first, but you are not controlling and demanding things from your spiritual team. They want to help you on your spiritual path. Lighting a candle, meditating, and saying a chant/prayer to them is one method of connecting with them. If there is a specific angel you wish to work with, you can add a photo of them and items they are associated with to your altar. This directs you message toward a specific angelic being. Research angels before demanding one work with you.

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