Don't touch

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SpellsSpiritual  ► Force  ► Don't touch
When this spell is cast upon an item, people who you focus on when casting the spell wont be able to touch the item!

Casting Instructions for 'Don't touch'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Item you want protected
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Item you want protected
With the first and middle fingers trace a Pentagram over the object to be protected. Visualize electric blue or purple flames streaming from your fingers to form the Pentagram. Chant this as you trace:

''With this Pentagram I lay
protection here night and day
and the one(s) who should not touch
let his/her/their fingers burn and twitch
I now invoke the law of three
this is my will, so let/mote/may it be!''


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Last edited on Apr 05, 2020
Part of the Time Mages Library.


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This seems to have the right structure but what are the limits? Do the people who can't touch the object not touch you of you have it on u? Do you need certain emotions for this to work? Is there anything you could have missed?

Dec 24, 2020
This won't make someone yelp in fright or be burned alive if they touch the object, but it may stop them from finding them (an extra precaution to make sure that no one finds something, in a way)

When I was chanting the spell I felt soemthing poking near my finger tip, now that its done, the feeling is still there. What od I do?

Mar 28, 2023
shake it out of your hands using your wrist. this worked for me.

What if I don't want anyone touching it

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