Song Of Nightmares

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SpellsSpiritual  ► Nightmare  ► Song Of Nightmares
This is a nightmare spell to cast towards your enemies.

Casting Instructions for 'Song Of Nightmares'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A picture or something representing the person you want to curse
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A picture or something representing the person you want to curse

Hold the picture and say/chant/sing:

"This person has done me wrong
They deserve a nightmare song
The very things they fear the most
Will be in their standard nighttime host
This curse won't last for very long
Just the amount of lines in this song
For ten days in their sleep of fear
Sleep shall be something they cannot bear!
Wind, Earth, Fire, and Sea
As I say, So mote it be"

Say it however many times you want


Added to on Oct 14, 2015
Last edited on Sep 24, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Does this really work??

Sep 14, 2024
Don't know planning on trying it out thought

While I would shorten the chant/song, they explain why it is that length, so I will give it a pass. To curse someone with nightmares by chanting, you would need to build a lot of energy. The energy would have to infiltrate their dream realm, unlike a chant to curse them energetically which charges their energetic field. I would either add ingredients, or repeat the chant/song every night for ten days. Lastly, be sure to repeat the chant/song more than once, but do not say the last line until you are ready to release the energy. So mote it be is a common way to say the casting is done. While I do not like giving an exact number, since this is meant for ten days, has ten lines, and references the number in the chant, I would aim for either ten repetitions, or ten minutes of chanting/singing.

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